full-time [ˌfʊl'taɪm] adjective adverb ADVANCED ■(of work or education) done for the whole of a working week 全日制的(地);全职的(地)•a full-time job全职工作 •Most children in the UK remain in full-time education until they are at least 16 years old.在英国,大多数孩子至少在16岁之前都要接受全日制教育。 •She went back to work full-time when her youngest child went to school.她最小的孩子上学之后,她又回去做全职工作了。 full-time job/activity ■an activity which uses a lot of your time 占据大量时间的工作/活动•Keeping a garden tidy is a full-time job.整理花园是一项很费时间的工作。 [ˌfʊl'taɪm] adjective adverb Common Learner Errors full-timeRemember that when we use full-time as an adjective, it is most usual to keep the hyphen ' - ' between 'full' and 'time': ✗ I am looking for a full time job for the summer holidays.I am looking for a full-time job for the summer holidays. |