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书名 百灵鸟搬家(英汉读本)/世界寓言精选
分类 教育考试-外语学习-英语
作者 (马来西亚)金龙鱼出版社
出版社 海天出版社







1 The Roar Of the MOUnfain


2 The Fake Frog Docto r


3 The Lark’S House-moving


4 The Donkey and the Lapdog


5 The G rinder,the Son and the Donkey


6 The Dog in the Stable


7 The Miser


8 The Oak Tree and the Reed


9 The Ha re cind the To rtoise


10 The Crow and the Water Jug


11 The Bee and the Dove


12 The Dog and His Reflection


13 The Hunter and the Snake


14 The Fox and the Stork


15 The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf


16 The Mouse and the Lion


17 The Donkey and the Sack Of Salt


18 The Monkey and the Dolphin


19 Two Soldiers and a Robber


20 The Boy in a Whi rlpool


21 The Prince and the Lion Painting


22 The Stork and His Friends


23 The Stubborn Goats


24 The Grear Jumper


25 The MiIkmaid


26 The Rooster and the Diamond


27 The CameI That Danced


28 The Cat and the Rooster


29 The Travellers and the Bea r


30 The Two Sacks


31 The Fox and the Wolf


32 The Monkey and the Fisherman


33 The Fox and the Woodcutter


34 The Donkey and the Wolf


35 The Wolfwith CI G rudge


36 Brother and Sister


37 Who W…Bell the Cat?


38 The City Mouse a nd the Cou ntry Mouse


39 The Lion and the BullS


40 The Goose That Laid Golden Eggs


41 The Farmer and His Sons


42 The Mosquito and the Lion


43 The Sick Lion


44 The Clown and the Country Folk



The Roar of the Mountain山的声音

Once upon a time,there was a big and beautifulmountain in a remote village.The mountain was covered with trees which for centuries had provided shadetO the villagers.Its surroundings were tranquil with occasional sounds of running water,rattling leaves andthe cry of the peddlers.The villagers lived a simple yetcarefree life.

 One day,the mountain suddenly shuddered.A roaring sound was heard from afar.It plunged the villageinto chaos.Many people put their work aside and gathered around to find out what happened.

Then another roaring sound was heard from the mountain.This time it was more deafening.Some men predicted the coming of an ea~hquake.The women argued that there was a gi ant struggling tO free himselffrom the cave.

The mountain kept on roaring,and people from miles away waited anxiously and feared some possible disaster.Suddenly a little mouse ran out of the cave.Atthe sight of the large audience,it fled in panic into the shrubs.

The mountain was silent nOW.After some time,the crowd dispersed.

The roar of the mountai n remained a mystery tothe whole village.Nobody realised that it was only anecho created by a little cave mouse!







 Sometimes a simple little thing can caus great confusion and panic.




A fable is an interesting short story intended to impart a philosophy of life or to tell a moral lesson. Since time immemorial, most fables from around the world have animals as their main characters sharing humanly mind and sentiment. They speak the human language and are as emotional as you and I.

Around the sixth century B.C. in India, a Sanskrit version of Panchatantra was believed to be the earliest fables in our entire planet. Later, fables from Aesop, La Fontaine, Lessing and Kriloff were made known to the public in Greece, France, Germany and Russia respectively. In the meantime, a myriad of fabulous stories were rife in ancient China during the Spring and Autumn period, and the period of the Warring States. These fables were mostly published in the works of various scholars. The more famous ones include Zhuang Zhou, Meng Ke, Han Fei and so on. Many postHan dynaSty fabulists hadalso come out with fantastic stories which serve as a link between the past and the future.

Despite their imaginative features, these ancient and modern fables from around the world boast of being "the language of human wisdom" as the storylines are practically true-to-life. The fabulists often gain various experiences and les sons from our everyday life, pick up the moist typical ones, polish them up and turn them into fabulous stories through personification, exaggeration, bsymbolization, simile, metaphor and other literary skills, providing the general audience with well-intentioned guidance and practical advice. They serve to help us gain a better understanding and management of everyday life, including our words and deeds.

As an effort to share various brilliant fabulous masterpieces from around the world with our gen eral audience, Penerbit Arowana Sdn Bhd hascompiled and published a series of books entitled "World's Great Fables". Some of the most interesting fables were painstakingly selected, rewritten in a simple style, and enhanced with lively and attractive illustrations.

"World's Great Fables" is a set of readers which can be enjoyed by both the young and the old.

                   Heng Kay Song


            Department of Chinese Studies

            University of Malaya



大约在公元前六世纪左右,印度出现了梵文本的《五卷书》,它可能是世上最早的寓言故事。后来,在希腊出现了《伊索寓言》,在法国出现了《拉封丹寓言》、 在德国出现了《莱辛寓言》,在俄国出现了《克雷洛夫寓言诗》等等。至于口国,早在几乎同个时候的春秋战国时代,也涌现了大量的寓言故事。这些寓言故事大多散布在诸子的著作里。其中尤以,《庄子》、《孟子》、《韩非子》等子书上的寓言,最为脍炙人口。汉代以后的寓言家也扮演承先启后的角色,撰写了许多非常精彩的寓言故事。










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