Thirty years ago, A1 cowrote a series of articles for Advertising Age entitled "The Positioning Era Cometh." They were an instant hit. Almost overnight, positioning became a buzzword among advertising and marketing people.
If we were writing the same articles for the same publication today, our title would have to be "The Public Relations Era Cometh." Wherever we look, we see a dramatic shift from advertising-oriented marketing to public-relations-oriented marketing.
The Fall of Advertising
1. Advertising and Car Salesmen
2. Advertising and Art
3. Advertising and Creativity
4. Advertising and Awards
5. Advertising and Awareness
6. Advertising and Sales
7. Advertising and the Dotcoms
8. Advertising and Credibility
9. The Search for Alternatives
The Rise of PR
10. The Power of a Third Party
11. Building a New Brand with PR
12. Rebuilding an Old Brand with PR
13. Establishing Your Credentials
14. Rolling Out Your Brand
15. Building an Educational Brand
16. Building a Geographic Brand
17. Building a Booze Brand
18. The Missing Ingredient
19. Dealing with Line Extensions
20. Dealing with Names
A New Role for Advertising
21. Maintaining the Brand
22. Keeping On Course
23. Firing On All Cylinders
The Differences Between Advertising and PR
1. Advertising Is the Wind. PR Is the Sun
2. Advertising Is Spatial. PR Is Linear
3. Advertising Uses the Big Bang. PR Uses the Slow Buildup
4. Advertising Is Visual. PR Is Verbal
5. Advertising Reaches Everybody. PR Reaches Somebody
6. Advertising Is Self-Directed. PR Is Other-Directed
7. Advertising Dies. PR Lives
8. Advertising Is Expensive. PR Is Inexpensive
9. Advertising Favors Line Extensions. PR Favors New Brands
10. Advertising Likes Old Names. PR Likes New Names
11. Advertising Is Funny. PR Is Serious
12. Advertising Is Uncreative. PR Is Creative
13. Advertising Is Incredible. PR Is Credible
14. Advertising Is Brand Maintenance. PR Is Brand Building
P.S. for Management
P.S. for Advertising
P.S. for PR