Together we saw the attractiveness of a comparison of the works by Katsura Funakoshi and Ernst Barlach - two artists who seemingly could not be more different from each other regarding the contrasting context - time and place - from which they emanate. When inspecting the work closer, however, one finds various parallels and points of contact in both form and content: their use of the medium wood, their debate with (western and eastern) sculpture of the late middle ages,their only motive "the human body" and their effort to represent the mental stage on the border between this life and the beyond. These are some similarities, which separate them significantly from other sculptors of'the 2oth century. Both artists have a strong affinity with each other's respective culture, although they themselves each live or lived very secluded in their homeland.Therefore, we think it is appropriate to speak of Barlach and Funakoshi as soul mates.