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书名 | 一杯安慰送母女(母女情深) |
分类 | 教育考试-外语学习-英语 |
作者 | (美)塞尔 |
出版社 | 青岛出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 母爱是永恒的话题,也是本书环环紧扣的主题。无论出现什么样的摩擦,也无论发生怎样的争吵,母女间的血肉亲情始终割不断,用相连。这便是本书作者孜孜以求,精心奉献给大家的一道精神大餐,亦是本书与众不同、独树一帜的新颖之处。 娓娓动听的故事,感人至深的亲身经历,向我们展示一幅幅骨肉相连、唇齿相依的母女情深的动人画面。 相信您在读完本书中的每一个故事之后,在感到之余,定会掩卷沉思,感叹母爱的伟大,感叹人性的美好,亦会更加珍视身边的母爱亲情。 内容推荐 母女们倾诉衷肠定会令您难忘。 母女情深展示着人类神奇伟大的精神力量。当母亲精心抚养女儿长大,当女儿尽心照顾年老的母亲,当母亲看到自己的女儿做了母亲,与日俱增的母女情将永远成为每个女人生活的主旋律。 在本书中,母女们骨肉相连、唇齿相依,互相吐露心声,交流思想,倾诉秘密。您将感受到与其他故事集迥然不同的心灵震撼,并将记住: 那位无微不至,默默呵扩女儿成长的母亲。 那位竭尽全力,化解母女矛盾的母亲。 那位珍藏母亲所赠礼物,理解母亲良苦用心的女儿。 那位帮助母亲渡过难关,搭架母女间爱的桥粱的女儿。 无论您是母亲,还是女儿,希望您与生命中最珍重的女人共享此书。 目录 Time Out * Nancy Massand She Left a Mess Behind * Jaye W. Manus Dear Mom* Christine Goold The Power of a Mother's Love * Richelle Putnam A Mother Knows * Lynn Ruth Miller The Coronation * Bluma Schwarz Full Circle * Annemarieke Tazelaar Heart Choices * Kelly L. Stone Daughter of the Bride * Molly Hulett First Moon Rising * Ksenija Soster Olmer The Inheritance * Camille Moffat Lessons from a Four-Year-Old * Maureen Anderson To Love a Stranger * Sande Smith What I Wanted to Tell Her *Sylvia E. Sheets McDonald The Bike Trip * Peggy Newland Goetz A Mother's Arms * Pamela K. Amlung My Whirling Girl * Cassie Premo Steele From a Mother * Sheri McGregor Grammy and the Dream Keeper * Maria Doherty Before the Rain Comes * Catherine Olson My Mother's Hands * Patty Briles The Cirle Plant * Susan J. Siersma Fashion Amnesia * Karen Favo Walsh The Birthday Promise * Anne Carter Leaving * Ramona John The Comforter * B.J. Bateman Pearls * Martha Lackritz My Funny Mother * Patricia Fish Lava Love * Jane Tod Jimenez The Demise of Josephine * Kristl Volk Franklin A Little Night Music * Carrie Howard Mama's Egg * Patricia McFarland Mary and Me * Maura Bedloe Caroline's Prince * Inez Hollander Lake The Old Indian Woman * Maria Kiley My Declaration * Irene L. Pynn Pink Ribbons * Elaine Ernst Schneioer The Daughter of Maeve * Cassie Premo Steele Great Expectations * Valerie Schultz The Shoebox * Pamela Frost Girly Girl * Mona Gable Between the Tears and the Truth * Patricia Clark The Legacy * Susan B. Townsend Making Mommy Pretty * Diane Meredith Vogel The Sponge Bath * Mary Karen Burke Water Echoes * Gina M. Bacon Things My Mother Taught Me * Valerie Smart My Worth in Camels * Chryss Cada Tea for Two * R.M. Conner Tell Your Story in the Next Cup of Comfort! Contributors About the Editor |
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