《蜘蛛侠》改编自“惊奇漫画(Marvel Comics)”所出版的同名漫画。主人公彼得·帕克开始时只是纽约一名普普通通的高中生,性格颇为内向,一天彼得在参观一批经过基因改造实验的蜘蛛的时候,不知是幸或不幸地被其中一支脱逃的蜘蛛咬伤,不可思议的事情发生了,改造后的毒液意料之外地给了他许多奇妙的能力。好在经过一段时期的困惑与不知所措之后,彼得·帕克不但适应了新的变化,而且也开始喜欢上这些“特异功能”为自己提供的各种方便。只是,这时候的彼得·帕克还没有意识到这种力量背后的使命。
慢慢地,彼特·帕克逐渐感觉到伴随着这些特殊能力而来的重要责任。尤其是他的叔叔本·帕克(Ben Parker)身上所发生的意外,彻底地改变了他对命运赐予神力的态度,也终于促成了这位超级英雄、人类的救世主的诞生……
Peter Parker was once just an average boy,but after he was bitten by a laboratory spider, he became a superhero! Swinging from building to building, and fighting crime, Spider-Man should be on top of the world,but the newspapers are against him, the Green Goblin is after him, and his best friend is dating the girl of his dreams. Relive Spider-Man's exciting adventures as he fights the mysterious Green Goblin!
Chapter One Poor Peter Parker
Chapter Two Spider-Man to the Rescue
Chapter Three Beware the Green Goblin