本书为“Read-to-Read”系列之一,由美国著名的Simon & Schuster出版,书中内容针对儿童的发展特点,精心打造,引领国际儿童英语学习的潮流,是一套全新理念的幼儿英语学习教程。该系列分为四个等级。PRE-LEVEL 1将学习一些简单的句子,LEVEL 1加大词汇量和句子长度,LEVEL 2重在培养孩子的独立阅读能力,LEVEL 3针对有一定独立阅读能力的孩子。书中充满童趣的卡通图片,地道的英语表达,将带给孩子们英语阅读的愉悦。本书为LEVEL 2,Squidward is doing some cleaning and gives SpongeBob an old toy guitar to get him out of his tentacles for the day. But when SpongeBob and Patrick crank up the guitar, it breaks-and the guitar just keeps playing and playing!
Children learn to read in a variety of ways: through formal teaching in school, being read aloud to at home, and reading on their own,using all the tools they’ve learned for making sense of letters and words. The process starts with a child"s first awareness that letters on the page form words, which make sentences, which make stories. No one method of learning is right for every child, but all children need books they can read successfully.
Ready-to-Read books feature classic stories and interesting nonfiction by authors who really know how to write for this age group. They"re grouped at four levels: Pre-Level One, with repetitive text and simple sentences for children who can recognize words;Level One, with an increased vocabulary and longer sentences for children who are just starting to read; Level Two, for those who are reading independently and are ready for slightly greater challenges;and Level Three, for children who can read fiction and nonfiction proficiently, with fewer illustrations and longer texts. At each level,the books are all written, designed, and illustrated to suit the interests, needs, and abilities of new readers.
Children in preschool and the early elementary grades are universally fascinated with reading, and are already saying, "I"m ready to read." When they finish a Ready-to-Read book, we want them to say, "I am reading, and I like it!"