Which father gives birth to his young? Which baby has lots of aunties? When does a puppy turn into a dog? With detailed, lively answers to these and many other fascinating questions, I Wonder Why Kangaroos Have Pouches is a perfect introduction to the world of baby animals. Combining incredible information with awesome artwork, it is guaranteed to amaze and inspire!
4 Which baby has the best mother?
5 Which baby has the worst mother?
5 Which mother has her babies in prison?
6 Which father gives birth to his young ?
6 Whose feet keep on egg warm?
7 Which father has a chest like o spon9e?
8 Why do kan9oroos hove pouches?
8 Who clin9s on for dear life?
9 Who's carried by the scruff of the neck?
9 Who likes a ride on the water?
l0 Which baby has lots of aunties?
10 Which babies stay in a nursery?
11 Which is the biggest nursery?
12 What's inside a bird's egg?
13 Why do birds turn their eggs?
13 Is it only birds that lay eggs?
14 Which baby has the comfiest nest?
14 Which baby is born under the snow?
15 Which nests are 100 years old?
15 Who's at home in o bubble?
16 Which is the biggest baby in the world?
17 Which is the tallest baby?
17 Which is the talliest bobB ?
18 Why do pandas have one baby at a time?
18 Which animals lay hundreds of eggs?
19 Which family is always identical?
20 Which baby drinks the creamiest milk?
21 Which parent serves meals in o bag ?
22 Why do lion cubs chose their mother's tail?
23 Why do ducklings play follow-my-leader?
24 When does a puppy turn into o dog?
25 When does a tiger cub leave home?
26 Which baby hides in the forest?
26 Which babies hide in a circle of horns?
27 Which mother pretends she's sick?
28 Which baby is always being washed?
29 Who enjoys a good groom?
29 Which bobB lives in the cleanest nest?
30 How does a lamb find its mother?
31 Which baby gets smacked when it's naughty ?
32 Index