distinct [dɪ'stɪŋkt] adjective NOTICEABLE 显著的 ADVANCED [before noun] ■clearly noticeable; that certainly exists 显著的,明显的;确实的•There's a distinct smell of cigarettes in here.这里确实有一股烟味儿。 [dɪ'stɪŋkt] adjective DIFFERENT 不同的 ■clearly separate and different (from something else) 明显不同的,差别明显的•The two concepts are quite distinct (from each other).这两个概念(之间)有显著的差别。 •There are two distinct factions within the one political party.在同一政党内有两个不同的派系。 as distinct from ■rather than 而不是•She's a personal assistant as distinct from a secretary.她是私人助理而不是秘书。 |