First published in 1972.Professor Riley`s acclaimed edition of the major political and ethical writings of Leibniz has been revised and up - dated for publication in Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought: this edition includes a further three recently discovered pieces, in addition to a selection of political letters, editorial notes and full critical bibliography.
In a detailed but accessible introduction, Patrick Riley outlines the fudamental themes in Leibniz's work, particularly his concepts of justice and social responsibility, and assesses the important differences between Leibniz and his English contemporaries Hobbes and Locke. ……
Preface to the Second Edition
PARTⅠ. On Justice and Natural Law
1. Meditation on the Common Concept of Justice(c. 1702-3)
2. Opinion on the Principles of Pufendorf (1706)
PARTⅡ. On Social Life ,Enlightenment and the Rule of Princes
3. On Natural Law
4. Notes on Social Life
5. Felicity(c. 1694-8)
6. Portrait of the Prince (1679)
7. Memoir for Enlightened Persons of Good Intention ( mid-1690s)
PARTⅢ On State-Sovereignty and Hobbesian Ideas
8. Caesarinus Furstenerius ( De Suprematu Principum Germaniae ) (1677)
PARTⅣ. On the Defense of Hapsburg Europe France
9. Mars Christianissimus (Most Christian War-God) (1683)
10. Manifesto for the Defense of the Rights of Charles Ⅲ
PARTⅤ. On International Relations and Internatinal Law
11. Codex Iuris Gentium (Praefatio) (1693)
12. On the Works of the Abbe de St Pierre (1715)
Observations on the Abbe’s Project for
Perpetual Peas (1715) LetterⅡ to Grimarest (1712)
PARTⅥ. Political Letters
13. Excerpts from Letters to Landgraf Ernst of hesse-Rheinfels, Bossuet and Thomas Burnett
Two Letters to Landgraf Ernst of Hesse-Rheinfels (1683-91)
Two Letters to Bossuet concerning the Re-Unification of Christendom (1692-9)
14. Judgment of the Works of the Earl of Shaftesbury (1712)
PARTⅦ. Sovereignty and Diviny:Unpublished Manuscripts ,1695-1714
15. An Unpublished Manuscript of Leibniz on the Allegiance Due to Sovereign Powers(1695)
16. Leibniz’ Unpublished Remarks on Abbe Bucquoi: Divinity and Sovereignty (1711)
17. An Unpublished Lecture by Leibniz on the Greeks as Founders of Rational Theology: Its Relation to His ‘Universal Jurisprudence’ (1714)