Unfortunately, most of us have little sense of our talents and strengths, much less the ability to build our lives around them. Instead guided by our teachers, parents and managers we become experts in our weaknesses and spend our lives trying to repair these flaws, whilst our strengths lie dormant and neglected.
International bestselling author Marcus Buckingham and Donald Clifton, Chair of the Gallup International Research & Education Centre, have created a revolutionary programme to help readers identify their talents, build them into strengths and enjoy consistent, near-perfect performance. At the heart of the book is the innovative Internet-based StrengthsFinder Profile, access to which is provided by a unique number found in each copy of the book. This programme introduces thirty-four dominant themes that when combined, can provide an insight into the readers core abilities and how they can be translated into personal and career success.
Introduction: The Strengths Revolution at Work
The Revolution
"What are the two assumptions on which great organizations
must be built?" 3
Two Million Interviews
"Whom did Gallup interview to learn about human
strengths?" 8
Chapter 1. Strong Lives
The Investor, the Director, the Skin Doctor, and the Editor
"What does a strong life look like ?" 15
Tiger Woods, Bill Gates, and Cole Porter
"What is a strength?" 20
Three Revolutionary Tools
"What do you need to build your life around your
strengths ?" 23
Chapter 2. Strength Building
Is He Always This Good?
"What can we learn about strengths from Colin Powell?" 33
Knowledge and Skills
"Which aspects of you can you change?" 35
"Which aspects of you are enduring?" 42
Chapter 3. StrengthsFinder
The Traces of Talent
"How can you identify your own talents?" 59
The StrengthsFinder Profile
"How does it work, and how do I complete it?" 67
Chapter 4. The Thirty-four Themes of StrengthsFinder
Achiever 75
Activator 76
Adaptability 78
Analytical 79
Arranger 80
Belief 82
Command 83
Communication 84
Competition 86
Connectedness 87
Consistency 88
Context 90
Deliberative 91
Developer 92
Discipline 94
Empathy 95
Focus 96
Futuristic 98
Harmony 99
Ideation 101
Includer 102
Individualization 103
Input 105
InteUection 106
Learner 107
Maximizer 109
Positivity 110
Relator 112
Responsibility 113
Restorative 115
Self-assurance 116
Significance 118
Strategic 119
Woo 120
Chapter 5. The Questions You're Asking
Are there any obstacles to building my strengths? 127
Why should I focus on my signature themes? 136
Is there any significance to the order of my signature
themes? 139
Not all of the phrases in the theme description apply to me.
Why? 141
Why am I different from other people with whom I share
some of the same themes? 142
Are any of the themes "opposites"? 144
Can I develop new themes if I don't like the ones I
have? 146
Will I become too narrow if I focus on my signature
themes? 149
How can I manage around my weaknesses? 152
Can my themes reveal whether I am in the right
career? 163
Chapter 6. M~maging Strengths
"Fidel," Sam Mendes, and Phil Jackson
"What is the secret of their success?" 173
One By One
"How can you manage each of the thirty-four themes of
StrengthsFinder ?" 178
Chapter 7. Building a Strengths-based Organization
The Full Story
"Who is leading the strengths revolution at work?" 219
The Practical Guide
"How can you build a strengths-based organization ?" 224
A Technical Report on StrengthsFinder
"What research underpins the StrengthsFinder Profile, and what
research is planned to refine the instrument?" 251