I am grateful to the many colleagues and friends from whom I have learned about Rousseau, or who have called my attention to infelicities or occasional mistakes in the translations and in the Editorial Notes, among them Steven Angle, Joshua Cohen, Maurice Cranston, Lydia Goehr, Wolfgang Iser, Leon Kass, Sam Kerstein,Ralph Leigh, Mark Lilla, John McCarthy, Terence Marshall, Heinrich Meier, Donald J. Moon, Robert D. Richardson Jr., Charles Sherover, Karl Heinz Stierle, William Trousdale, Robert W6kler.Professor Raymond Geuss has been unstinting in his advice regarding the content and the form of the Introductions.
Chronology of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
A brief guide to further reading
A note on the texts
A note on the translations
A note on the editorial notes and index
Discourse on Political Economy
Of the Social Contract
Book I
Book II
Book III
Book IV
From the early version of the Social Contract known as the
Geneva Manuscript: Bk. 1, ch. 2; from Bk. n, ch. 4
The State of War
Considerations on the Government of Poland
Selected Letters
Letter to D'Offreville
Letter to Usteri
Letter to Mirabeau
Letter to Franquieres
List of abbreviations and textual conventions
Editorial notes
Index of editors, translators, and annotators
General index