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书名 | 老鼠嫁女(英汉读本)/世界寓言精选 |
分类 | 教育考试-外语学习-英语 |
作者 | (马来西亚)金龙鱼出版社编 |
出版社 | 海天出版社 |
下载 | ![]() |
简介 | 编辑推荐 寓言是当今文学作品中最不可思议的一种体裁。它往往是利用一个饶有趣味的故事,来说明深刻的道理;在激情中闪烁着理性的智慧光芒,在讽喻中又不乏幽默和情趣。通过这些寓意深长的故事,让你多侧面、多视角地去认识世界,认识社会,认识人生……而本书中的每一个故事都附有插图,逼真生动,可谓图文并茂,英汉对照又有利于青少年们的英语学习。这一套集世界寓言于一炉的系列,可作为青少年们的课外读物,且对青少年而言具有启迪思维,体会人生哲理与丰富学识的积极作用。 目录 1 The Th ree Ants(Western Asia 三只蚂蚁(西亚)…………………………………1 2 The CameI and the Fox(Persia) 骆驼和狐狸(波斯)………………………………4 3 The Donkey and the Frog(Turkey) 驴和蛙(土耳其)………….……………………7 4 The Cat That Reformed(Turkey) 改邪归正的猫(土耳其)…………………………10 5 The Swallow and the Sparrow(Turkey) 燕子和麻雀(土耳其)…………………………13 6 The Eyesight of the Vulture 0Nestem Asia) 秃鹫的眼力(西亚)……………………………19 7 The Warbler in the Cage(Algeria) 牢笼里的画眉鸟(阿尔及利亚)………………23 8 Wounds and Lies(Africa) 创伤和欺骗(非洲)………………………28 9 NOW and Then(Sudan) 此一时彼一时(苏丹)…………………………34 10 An oId Gardener and a Tortoise(Tunisia) 园丁杀乌龟(突尼斯)…………………………38 11 The Dog gnd the Cat fAfrica) 狗和猫(非洲).………………………………42 12 The Baboon and the Dog fAfrica) 狒狒和狗(非洲)………………………………47 13 Seven Lions and a COW (Africa) 七只狮子和一头牛(非洲)……………………51 14 The Wolf and the Hyena fAfrica) 狠和鬣狗(非洲)………………………………56 15 The Haughty Bat(South America) 骄傲的蝙蝠(南美洲)…………………………54 16 The Lion That Wanted to be King(Argentina) 想称王的雄狮(阿根廷)…………………………69 17 The Polite Rabbit(Mexico) 有礼貌的兔子(墨西哥)…………………………77 18 Sei Zou and the White Rabbit(Japan) 清藏和白兔(日本)……………………………81 19 The Two Frogs That Went Travelling(Japan) 两只青蛙(日本)………………………………84 20 Boat Fa re(Japan) 摆渡费(日本)………….……………………89 21 The Monkey and the Crab(Japan) 猴子和螃蟹(日本)……………………………94 22 The Toad Looks for Food(Japan) 贪心的后果(日本)……………………………97 23 One-eyed Men and Two.eyed Men(Japan) 独眼人和双眼人(日本)………………………103 24 The 0Id Man in 0 Basket(Nepal) 留着有用(尼泊尔)……………………………109 25 Confessions(Pakistan) 忏悔(巴基斯坦)……………………………116 26 The Clever Beauty(Afghanistan) 聪明的美人(阿富汗)…………………………123 27 TheTreeThatCould BearFruitThreeTimesaYear(Afghanistan) 一棵树能结三次果(阿富汗).…………………126 28 The Two Wolves and the Lion(Afghanistan) 机灵的胡狼(阿富汗)…………………………130 29 The Boy and His Axe(Korea) 男孩和斧头(朝鲜)……………………………137 30 The Smart Rabbit(Korea) 兔子和狼(朝鲜)………………………………142 31 Precious Hands(Mongolia) 宝贵的双手(蒙古)……………………………146 32 The CockereI That Contested for Bea uty(Mongolia) 公鸡比美(蒙古)………………………………153 33 Finding a Husband for Miss Mouse(Myanmar) 老鼠嫁女(缅甸)………………………………159 34 A Sinail Motter(Myanmar) 小事情(缅甸)………………………………163 35 The Rabbit Tricks the Elephant and the Whale(Vietnam) 兔子捉弄大象和鲸鱼(越南)……………………170 36 The Greedy Badger(Asia) 贪便宜的獾(亚洲)……………………………178 37 The Elephanf and the Snake(Thailand) 象和蛇(泰国)………………………………182 38 The Bea r a nd the Tree God(Thailand) 熊和树神(泰国)………………………………186 39 The Deer a nd the Tiger(Thailand) 鹿和虎(泰国)………………………………190 40 The Dog That Had a Bad Friend(Thailand) 狗误交坏朋友(泰国)………………………193 41 The Men and the Monkeys(Thailand) 人类和猴子(泰国)……………………………199 42 The Rabbit’S Long Ears(Thailand) 兔子的长耳朵(泰国)…………………………205 43 The Gold Chain(Malaysia) 金链(马来西亚)………………………………208 44 The Over.confident Mousedeer(Indonesia) 自以为是的鼠鹿(印尼)………………………212 试读章节 The Donkey and the Frog驴和蛙 Oneday,adonkey was carrying abundle ofwood and he fell into the river.He struggled to come out fromthewaterbutinvain.Thedonkeymoanedandcried for help. Some frogs in the water heard the cries.They came to the douke and said,“You only farll into the river once and you make such a fuss,How about US who stay in the water for such a Iongfirne?How pitiful would that be?’’ 有一天,一只驴子驮着木材,一路向前走着。当他经过一个池塘时,一不小心,摔进了池塘里,辗辗转转却总是无法爬上岸来。驴子便唉声叹气地高呼救命。 住在池里的青蛙听见了驴子的呼救声,成群出来围观。 青蛙对驴子讥讽说:“你只不过是摔了一跤,跌进池塘里,就这样大嚷大叫,高喊救命,如果你像我们一样长期居住在这里,你又会痛苦成什么样子呢?”Moral故事哲理: Do not condemn people sho are not used to your own lifestyle. 青蛙嘲笑驴子的哀泣是不对的,因为青蛙本来就是水陆二栖,水里正是它们的乐园啊! 每个人所处的环境不一样,先天和后天条件也不同,对失败、尴尬、痛苦的忍受能力自然也各有差异,因此我们应该多设身处地为别人着想。 序言 A fable is an interesting short story intended to impart a phiIosophy of Iire or to tell a moral lesson.Since time immemorial.most fables from around the world have animals as their main characters sharing humanly mind and sentiment:They speak the human language and are as emotional as you and I. Around the sixth century B.C.in-India,a San—skrit version of I’anchatantra was believed to be the earliest fables in our entire planet.Later,fables from Aesop,La Fontaine,Lessing and Kriloff were made known to the public in Greece,France,Germany and Russia respectively.In the meantime,a myriad of fabuIOUS stories were rife in ancientChina during the Spring and Autumn period,and the period of the Warring States.These fables were mostly pubIiShed in the works of various scholars.The more famous ones include Zhuang Zhou,Meng Ke,Han Fei and SO on.Many post-Han dynasty fabulists had also come out with fantastic stories which serve as a Iink between the past and the future. Despite their imaginative features,these ancient and modern fables from around the worldboast of being“the language of h.uman wisdom”as the storylines are practically true-to-life.The fabulists Often gain various experiences and Iessons frOm our everyday life,pick up the most typical ones,polish them up and turn them into fabuious stories th rough pe rsonificatiOn,exaggeration,bsymbolization,simile,metaphor and other literary skills,providing the general audience with well—.intentioned guidance and practical advice.They serve tO help US gain a better understanding and management of everyday life,including our words and deeds. As an eflfort to share various brilliant fabulous masterpieces from around the world with our generaI audience.Penerbit Arowana Sdn Bhd has comPiIed and pubIiShed a series of books entitled "world’S Great Fables”.Some of the most interestfables were painstakingly selected,rewritten in a simple style,and enhanced with lively and attractive illUstrations. “World’S Great Fables”iS a set of readers which can be enjoyed by both the young and the old。Heng Kay Song Heng kay song lecturer department of chinese studies university of malaya 寓言,是通过一个生动、有趣的小故事,来阐发人生的哲理和寄托道德的教训。古今中外,绝大多数的寓言都是以飞禽走兽作为故事的“主人公”,但是它们的思想感情却是人的思想感情,它们也说人所说的话,拥有人的七情六欲,因此这些飞禽走兽实际上就是“人的化身”。 大约在公元前六世纪左右,印度出现了梵文本的《五卷书》,它可能是世上最早的寓言故事。后来,在希腊出现了《伊索寓言》,在法国出现了《拉封丹寓言》,在德国出现了《莱辛寓言》,在俄国出现了《克雷洛夫寓言诗》等等。至于中国,早在几乎同个时候的春秋战国时代,也涌现了大量的寓言故事。这些寓言故事大多散布在诸子的著作里。其中尤以《庄子》、《孟子》、《韩非子》等子书上的寓言,最为脍炙人口。汉代以后的寓言家也扮演承先启后的角色,撰写了许多非常精彩的寓害故事。。 这些古今中外的寓言故事,虽具有虚构、幻想的特点,可是它们的虚构与幻想却是扎根于人类生活的现实基础上,可说是“人类智慧的语言”。寓言的作者们,从人类生活的实践中积累了各种各样的经验与教训,从中选择最有代表性的某一些,加以提炼,并通过“拟人”、“夸张”、“象征”、“譬喻”等表现手法,写成了寓言故事,为广大的读者提供善意的指导与警诫性的规劝。它们既能帮助我们认识生活,也能帮助我们驾驭生活,指导日常的言与行。 金龙鱼出版社为了让广大的读者分享来自世界各国寓言家的智慧结晶品,特编撰了一套《世界寓言精选》,精心选择最有代表性、最精彩的寓言故事,以浅白流畅的文字配以生动优美的插图,图文并茂地呈现给读者。更难能可贵的是在每一则寓言的末尾,编者还提纲挈领地指出寓言所蕴含的人生哲理。 我认为这一套《世界寓言精选》是一套益智的健康读物,不仅适合儿童阅读,同时也适合青少年,甚至成年人阅读,可谓“老少咸宜”。 马来西亚大学中文系 王介英讲师 书评(媒体评论) 《世界寓言精选》既有世界著名的寓言家如法国的拉封丹、德国的莱辛及俄罗斯的克雷洛夫等等之佳作,又有收录世界各国、各地区、各民族劳动人民的智慧和精神的故事。 拉封丹、莱辛和克雷洛夫的寓言大多取材于其他著名寓言家的作品。不过经过他们的加工和改写后,均赋于了新意,把简单且含有训诫意义的寓言变成了雅俗共赏的讽刺文学作品,使之成为揭露专制暴政、抨击虚伪自私人物的绝妙手段。 阿拉伯寓言的独特故事和韵味,是阿拉伯文学的精华部分;非洲寓言一直以一种民族生发状态存在着,它们丰富的想象与生动的故事,极富地域特色和原始风韵;亚洲寓言充分表现当地富有民族色彩的文化和艺术。这些寓言精品,具有深刻的寓意、精湛的哲学蕴和强大的艺术魅力,因而得以广传世代,历久不衰,实为全人类的定神财富和文化瑰宝。 《世界寓言精选》总共收录了来自50多个国家和地区的200多篇故事,内容富有哲理,具有现实教育意义,寓意深刻,幽默辛辣。 本套书英汉对照,更有利于青少年朋友的阅读。 |
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