When orphaned Pollyanna Whittier comes to live with her stern maiden aunt, the entire town of Beldingsville is affected by the bubbly nature of this lively eleven-year-old. Not only is she perpetually cheerful, she also brightens the lives of everyone she meets.
How does Pollyanna manage to be so eternally optimistic? How does she spread her bright outlook among the sick, sad, and abrasive people of the town and transform the life of her lonely aunt? It's the "glad game," she says, describing the antidote to hardship and depressed spirits. But in a serious accident, the town almost loses its "Glad Girl," and everyone looks for a way to make this youngster happy again.
1. Miss Polly
2. Old Tom and Nancy
3. The Coming of Pollyanna
4. The Little Attic Room
5. The Game
6. A Question of Duty
7. Pollyanna and Punishments
8. Pollyanna Pays a Visit
9. Which Tells of the Man
10. A Surprise for Mrs. Snow
11. Introducing"Jimmy
12. Before the Ladies" Aid
13. In Pendleton Woods
14. Just a Matter of Jelly
15. Dr. Chilton
16. A Red Rose and a Lace Shawl
17. "Just Like a Book"
18. Prisms
19. Which Is Somewhat Surprising
20. Which Is More Surprising
21. A Question Answered
22. Sermons and Woodboxes
23. An Accident
24. John Pendleton
25. A Waiting Game
26. A Door Ajar
27. Two Visits
28. The Game and Its Players
29. Through an Open Window
30. Jimmy Takes the Helm
31. A New Uncle
32. Which Is a Letter from Pollyanna