rave [reɪv] verb intransitive SPEAK FOOLISHLY 说蠢话 ■to speak in an uncontrolled way, usually because you are upset or angry, or because you are ill (通常指因为心烦、愤怒或生病而)语无伦次,胡言乱语,说胡话•He's always raving (on) about the government.他总是语无伦次地大骂政府。 •She was ranting and raving about some imagined insult.她臆想有人侮辱她便大骂大叫。 [reɪv] verb intransitive ENTHUSIASTIC 热情的 informal ■to praise something very much 赞不绝口;极力赞扬;热烈吹捧•She raved about/over the clothes she had seen at the Paris fashion shows.她对巴黎时装展上展出的服装赞不绝口。 [reɪv] adjective [before noun] informal ■admiring; giving praise 狂热褒评的;大加赞扬的;捧上天的•The show has received rave reviews/notices in all the papers.这场演出受到所有报纸的高度评价/吸引了所有报纸的注意并得到热情洋溢的报道。 [reɪv] noun countable mainly UK informal ■an event where young people dance to modern electronic music and sometimes take illegal drugs (年轻人随着现代电子音乐跳舞且有时吸毒的)狂欢派对,锐舞派对•an all-night/open-air rave通宵/露天狂欢派对 •rave music狂欢派对舞曲 |