A highly influential figure in the Age of Enlightenment in England and France, whose works helped inspire the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, John Locke was one of the most important political theorists in Western history. In The Second Treatise of Government, a major contribution to the principles underlying modern democracies, he achieved two objectives: refuting the concept of the divine right of monarchy, and establishing a theory of government based on the ultimate sovereignty of the people...
A highly influential figure in the Age of Enlightenment in England and France, whose works helped inspire the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, John Locke was one of the most important political theorists in Western history. In The Second Treatise of Government, a major contribution to the principles underlying modern democracies, he achieved two objectives: refuting the concept of the divine right of monarchy, and establishing a theory of government based on the ultimate sovereignty of the people.
In A Letter Concerning Toleration, composed as early as 1667 but not published for political reasons until I689--after the "Glorious Revolution"--Locke pleaded for religious tolerance on grounds similar to his argument for political freedom, i.e., that all men are by nature "free, equal and independent," and are entitled to freedom of thought,freedom of speech, and freedom of worship. To help guarantee the latter freedom, Locke called for separation of church and state.
The basis of social and political philosophy for generations, these works laid the foundation of the modern democratic state in England and abroad. Their enduring importance makes them essential reading for students of philosophy, history, and political science.
Of the State of Nature
Of the State of War
Of Slavery
Of Property
Of Paternal Power
Of Political or Civil Society
Of the Beginning of Political Societies
Of the Ends of Political Society and Government
Of the Forms of a Commonwealth
Of the Extent of the Legislative Power
Of the Legislative, Executive, and Federative Power
of the Commonwealth
Of the Subordination of the Powers of the Commonwealth
Of Prerogative
Of Paternal, Political, and Despotical Power Considered
Of Conquest
Of Usurpation
Of Tyranny
Of the Dissolution of Government