gun [gʌn] noun countable ESSENTIAL ■a weapon from which bullets or shells (= explosive containers) are fired 枪;炮•The British police do not carry guns.英国员警不佩带枪支。 •You could hear the noise of guns firing in the distance.你可以听到远处的枪声。 ■in sport, a device which makes a very loud sudden noise as a signal to start a race (体育比赛中用来表示比赛开始的)信号枪•At the gun, the runners sprinted away down the track.信号枪一响,运动员们便沿着跑道飞奔起来。 ■a device which you hold in your hand and use for sending out a liquid or object 喷射器;喷射枪•a spray gun喷枪 •a staple gunU 形钉枪 ⇒ See also staple-gun hired gun mainly US informal ■a person who is paid to shoot and kill someone 受雇杀人的枪手 [gʌn] noun countable be under the gun mainly US ■to feel worried because you have to do something by a particular time or in a particular way 因为须在限定时间内或以特定方式完成任务而倍感压力•Al's under the gun to decide by the end of the month whether to move with his company.艾伦因需在月底前决定是否和公司一起搬走而倍感压力。 [gʌn] noun countable with guns blazing (also all guns blazing) ■If you do something, especially argue, with guns blazing, you do it with a lot of force and energy (尤指争吵)火药味十足地,真刀真枪地•I went into the meeting with guns blazing, determined not to let him win.我进入会场的时候下定决心真刀真枪跟他争辩,决不让他得逞。 [gʌn] verb transitive (-nn-) mainly US old-fashioned informal ■to make an engine operate at a higher speed 使加速;使高速运转•You must have been really gunning the engine to get here on time.你竟然准时到这儿了,肯定是一路飞驰而来。 [gʌn] verb transitive (-nn-) mainly US old-fashioned informal be gunning for sb informal ■to often criticize someone or be trying to cause trouble for them 时常指责(某人);不时找(某人)的茬,经常挑衅•She's been gunning for me ever since I got the promotion she wanted.自从我被提升到她觊觎的那个职位后,她就一直在找我的茬。 [gʌn] verb transitive (-nn-) mainly US old-fashioned informal Phrasal Verbs [M] gun sb down ■to shoot someone and kill or seriously injure them, often when they cannot defend themselves 用枪击伤,击毙(没有防御能力的人)•The police officer was gunned down as he took his children to school.这名员警在送他的孩子去上学时被枪杀。 |