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书名 | 物流英语口语教程/物流英语系列教材 |
分类 | 教育考试-外语学习-英语 |
作者 | 杨瑛编 |
出版社 | 南开大学出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 本书是物流英语系列教材之一。其使用的对象为物流专业的本科生、研究生和相关学科的人员以及对物流感兴趣的人士,也可作为从事物流管理的专业人员进一步提高英语口语的参考书。书由16个单元组成,每单元由准备性的问题、对话、讨论话题、辩论话题、阅读、汉译英、根据情景编对话7个部分组成。使学生在学习物流口语的同时,掌握一定的物流用语,为将来从事物流翻译打下良好的基础。 目录 UNIT ONE DEFINITION OF LOGISTICS/1 UNIT TWO INVENTORY/9 UNITTHREE SUPPLYCHAIN/18 UNiT FOUR PACKAGING/27 UNIT FIVE DISTRIBUTION AND RETAILING/34 UNIT SIX QuALITY OF GOODS/42 UNrrSEVEN PAYMENTOFGOODS/51 UNrr ElGHT INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS/60 UNIT NINE EMPLOYMENT AND JOB MARKET/68 UNIT TEN TRANSPORTATION OF GOODS/77 UNIT ELEVEN CONT~CT/87 UNIT TWELVE CLAIM/96 UNIT TI-HRTEEN COSTS OF TR ANSPORDLTION 105 UNIT FOURTEEN LOGISTICS LEGISLATION/112 UNIT FIFTEEN INSURANCE/119 UNrr SIXTEEN CUSTOMER SERVICE/130 KEY T0 EXERCISES/138 APPENDIX I TECHNICAL TERMS FOR LOGISTICS/161 APPENDIX II SAMPLE FORMS FOR LOGISTICS/165 试读章节 第6-7页V.Suggested Reading: Logistics can be briefly described like this:"Logistics means having the right thing,at the right place,at the fight time."At its heart,logistics deals with satisfying the customer.This implies that management must first understand what those requirements are before a logistics strategy can be developed and implemented to meet them. In a more practical sense,logistics refers to the systematic management of the various activities required to get more benefits from their point of production to the customer.Often these benefits are in the form of a tangible product that must be manufactured and moved to the user; sometimes these benefits are intangible known as services.They too must be produced and made available to the fmal consumer.But logistics encompasses much more than just the transport of goods. The concept of benefits is a multifaceted one that goes beyond the product or service itself to include issues regarding timing,quantity, supporting services,location and cost.So a basic definition of logistics is the continuous process of meeting customer needs by ensuring theavailability of the right benefits for the right customer,in the quantity and condition desired bv t11at customer,at the time and place the customer wants them,and all for a price the buyer is willing to pay.These concepts apply equally well to for-profit industries and non-profit organizations,as the earlier discussion on military requirements illustrated.Ⅵ.nanslation: 1.业内专业人士认为,尽管看不见摸不着,现代物流是最富有挑战性和激动人心的工作。 2.在过去几年中,中国国内生产总值增长超过7%。毫无疑问,在中国物流发展有很大的空间。 3.一位专家坚持认为,物流像一座冰山,只可视其项尖部分,看不见的部分大得多。 4.物流已经变成一种职业,注重战略思维和分析技术。 5.第二次世界大战期间,美国在军用物资战时供应中首先采用了"后勤管理"一词,后被用于商业--称为商业后勤。VII.Construct Dialogues on the Following Situations: 1.Carol and Morris,two undergraduates majoring in foreigntrade,are talking about the possibility to work in a logistics firm. 2.Li Jing and Yang Yang,the members in a logistics company,are talking about the prospect of logistics in China. 3。Lin Li,a girl from a city on the Yangtze River and a senior in a university in Beijing,is talking to her teacher about her decision to come back to her hometown to work in logistics.Proverbs: 1.Riches serve a wise mail but command a fool. 财富为聪明人服务,但却能奴役傻瓜。 2.Spare when you"re young,and spend when you"re old. 年轻时节省年老时花。 3.The best physicians are Dr.Diet,Dr.Quiet,and Dr.Merryman. 最好的医生是:节食、恬静、愉快。Related Information: Logistics management is about managing processes and controlling the movement of materials and information throughout the business.It requires each function active in the business to consider its role in a chain of suppliers and customers,where these Can be either internal or external.It is also about delivering value,that is,each element of the supply chain should add Value for the next customer in the chain.In this sense even stock holding can add value if the holding of stock is the only way in |
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