Of all Dickens's novels, DAVID COPPERFIELD most fervently embraces the ccmic delights, the tender warmth, the tragic horrors of childhood. It is our classic tale of growing up, an enchanting story of a gentle orphan discovering life and love in an indifferent adult world. Persecuted by his wrathful stepfather, Mr.Murdstone; deceived by his boyhood idol, the callous,charming Steerforth; driven into moral combat with the sniveling clerk Uriah Heep; and hurled, pell-mell into a blizzard of infatuation with the adorably dim-witted Dora, he survives the worst--and the best--with inimitable style, his bafflement turning to self-awareness and his unbridlee young heart growing ever more disciplined and true.
Ⅰ I Am Born
Ⅱ I Observe
Ⅲ I Have a Change
Ⅳ I Fall into Disgrace
Ⅴ I Am Sent Away, from Home
Ⅵ I Enlarge My Circle of Acquaintan'ce
Ⅶ My "First Half" atSalem House
Ⅷ My Holidays. Especially One Happy Afternoon
Ⅸ I Have a Memorable Birthday
Ⅹ I Become Neglected, and Am Provided For
Ⅺ I Begin Life on My Own Account, and Don't Like It
Ⅻ Liking Life on My Own Account No Better, I Form a Great Resolution
ⅩⅢ The Sequel of My Resolution
ⅩⅣ My Aunt Makes .Up Her Mind about Me
ⅩⅤ I Make Another Beginning
ⅩⅥ ! Am a New Boy in More Senses Than One
ⅩⅦ Somebody Turns Up
ⅩⅧ A Retrospect
ⅩⅨ 1 Look about Me, and Make a Discovery
ⅩⅩ Steerforth's Home
ⅩⅩⅠ Little Em'ly
ⅩⅩⅡ Some Old Scenes, and Some New People
ⅩⅩⅢ Corroborate Mr. Dick. and Choose Profession
ⅩⅩⅣ My First Dissipation
ⅩⅩⅤ Good and Bad Angels
ⅩⅩⅥ I Fall into Captivity
ⅩⅩⅦ Tommy Traddles
ⅩⅩⅧ Mr. Micawber's Gauntlet
ⅩⅩⅨ I Visit Steefforth at His Home. Again
ⅩⅩⅩ A Loss
ⅩⅩⅪ A Greater Loss
ⅩⅩⅫ The Beginning of a Long Journey
ⅩⅩⅩⅢ Blissful
ⅩⅩⅩⅣ My Aunt Astonishes Me
ⅩⅩⅩⅤ Depression
ⅩⅩⅩⅥ Enthusiasm
ⅩⅩⅩⅦ A Little Cold Water
ⅩⅩⅩⅧ A Dissolution of Partnership
ⅩⅩⅩⅨ Wickfield and Heep
XL The Wanderer
XLI Dora's Aunts
XLII Mischief
XLIII Another Retrospect
XLIV Our Housekeeping
XLV Mr. Dick Fulfils My Aunt's Predictions
XLVI Intelligence
XLVII Martha
XLVIII Domestic
XLIX I Am Involved in Mystery
L Mr. Peggotty’s Dream Comes True
LI The Beginning of a Longer Journey
LII I Assist at an Explosion
LIII Another Retrospect
LIV Mr. Micawber's Transactions
LV Tempest
LVI The New Wound, and the Old
LVII The Emigrants
LVIII Absence
LIX Return
LX Agnes
LXI I Am Shown Two Interesting Penitents
LXII A Light Shines on My 'Way
LXIII A Visitor
LXIV A Last Retrospect