编辑推荐 《新东方?新东方托业考试指定培训教材:TOEIC托业阅读全真模拟1000题》包含10套试卷,共计1000道听力模拟试题,满足考生在基础复习和考前冲刺阶段的练习需要题目均严格按照新托业听力考试的要求编写,涵盖各题型常考的题目形式和语言要点。仿真度高,汇总新托业听力考试中经常出现的词汇、短语和句子,帮助考生夯实语言基础。提高听力能力,听力原文和题目均附有全文翻译,帮助考生彻底扫除听力理解障碍,满足深度学习需求。本丛书引进自韩国多乐园出版社。该社成立于1977年,在韩国英语教育出版领域始终处于领军地位。本丛书是韩国最畅销的托业书之一,是韩国众多学校和培训机构的指定教材,在托业考生中享有很高的声誉。 题型介绍,介绍新托业阅读各题型的考试形式、题目类型和考试重点,帮助考生做好复习准备。仿真练习,所有题目均严格遵循新托业阅读考试的要求,涵盖考试中可能会出现的各种考点。高频表达,汇总阅读中经常出现的词汇和短语,帮助考生扩充语言知识储备。题目解析,指明正确答案的出处,帮助考生理清答题思路,提高答题速度。全文翻译,书中所有文章和题目均配有全文翻译,帮助考生彻底扫除阅读理解障碍。 内容推荐 《新东方?新东方托业考试指定培训教材:TOEIC托业阅读全真模拟1000题》是针对新托业考试阅读部分编写的高仿真模拟试题集,共包含10套完整的阅读试卷,共计1000道题目。这些题目的编写严格遵循了新托业阅读各题型的命题特点和考查思路,涵盖了在真实考试中最常出现的各种语言要点,仿真度高,针对性强。可以帮助不同语言基础的考生在短期内迅速熟悉托业阅读中经常涉及的题目形式及语言点,掌握正确答案的特征并规避错项陷阱,提升阅读理解能力,冲刺托业阅读高分! 目录 Test 01 Test 02 Test 03 Test 04 Test 05 Test 06 Test 07 Test 08 Test 09 Test 10 Test 01 Test 02 Test 03 Test 04 Test 05 Test 06 Test 07 Test 08 Test 09 Test 10 试读章节 To:All Staff Subject:Mandarin speaking staff Mr Wang.a very distinguished guest who manufactures and distributes red wines in China,will visit US in New York next Monday.Although Mr:Wang is Well versed in written English,he has expressed concerns about his conversational skills since this will be his first visit to America. As Great Wall Red Wine is a potential big buyer of our grape products,we want to make his trip a memorable one.1 would like to extend this invitation to anyone who speaks Mandarfn to assist Mr.Wang for the seven days when he is in town to resolve any language barriers and to avoid any unnecessary misunderstandings.I would prefer this persmon be a current employee of Sweety Grapes as he or she will have the added advantage of understanding our company's working style and culture. The job is sirnpie.You will pick Mr Wang up at the airport with some of our executives to welcome him.You will serve as an interpreter during his visits and meetings in the office.we will also require your presence and assistance when we take him for.Meals and city tours during the weekend.For seven days,you may be required to perform social activities at night and on the weekend.We hope, that we can get someone from our team to assist us. My sincere gratitude. Lucy Mayson(1ucym@sweetygrapes.com) |