In Athens, nearly 2,500 years ago, one man set out to .be the master of all reality. Aristotle surveyed what the men of his time had thought and questioned; he invented new instruments and modes of inquiry; and he devoted his life to codifying and rationalizing what was then the sum of human knowledge.He worked within the severest limitations. He was an astronomer without a telescope, a biologist without a laberatory, a physiologist and psychologist without apparatus. He was a natural historian who had to rely for his data partly on hearsay and tradition, partly on the miscellaneous specimens prodigies that reached him from the itinerant agents of Alexander the Great. In an age when written records-were few, he devoted himself to placing phenomena in historical and causal perspective.......
In this extraordinary volume of selections from Aristotle culled from the monumental Oxford translation bv authorities including W.D. Ross,Benjamin Jowett, and Ingram Bywater editor Justin D.Kaplan has included the most widely read, studied, and quoted works of the great philosopher. Informative notes give the reader a convement and concise review of each work, illuminating the main ideas. Thoughtfully assembled. The Pocket Aristotle is the essential guide to the man who has often been called the world"s most important thinker.
PHYSICS, translated by R.P.Hardie and R.K.Gaye
Book I, chapters 1-9
Book Ⅱ, chapters I-9
PSYCHOLOGY, translated by J.A.Smith
Book I, chapters I, 4-5
Book Ⅱ, chapters 1-6, 12
Book Ⅲ, chapters I-10
METAPHYSICS, translated by W.D.Ross
Book I, chapters I-I0
Book Ⅱ, chapters I-I0
W. D. Ross
Book I, chapters 1-13
Book Ⅱ, chapters 1-9
Book Ⅲ, chapters 1-5
Book Ⅳ, chapters 1-3
Book VI, chapters 1-8
Book Ⅷ, chapters l-ll
Book X, chapters 1-9
POLITICS, translated by Benjamin Jowett
Book I, chapters 1-2
Book Ⅱ, chapters 1-6
Book Ⅲ, chapters 1-9
Book IV, chapters 1-12
Book Ⅷ, chapters 1-3
POETICS, translated by Ingram Bywater