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书名 结构分析=Structural Analysi
分类 教育考试-大中专教材-大学教材
作者 钱海, 陆春华, 蔡东升主编
出版社 江苏大学出版社
本书为来华留学生精品授课教材。“结构分析”是为高等理工科院校土木工程相关专业留学本科生开设的一门技术基础课, 是后续基础课程和相关专业课程的学习基础。本书基于留学本科生学缘分布和知识架构, 涵盖了结构力学的基本内容, 注重基本概念的阐释及技术能力的培养。全书由八章构成, 包括绪论、体系的几何组成分析、静定结构受力分析、静定结构位移计算、力法、位移法、力矩分配法和影响线及其应用。
Contents Chapter1 Introduction / 001 ◎ 1.1 ResearchObjectandMainContentofStructuralAnalysis / 001 ◎ 1.2 SimplifiedDiagramsforStructuralCalculations / 002 ◎ 1.3 TypesofLoads / 007 ◎ 1.4 ClassificationofFramedStructures / 009 Chapter2 GeometricConstructionAnalysisofStructures / 012 ◎ 2.1 GeometricConstructionofStructures / 012 ◎ 2.2 ConceptofDegreesofFreedomandRestraints / 013 ◎ 2.3 GeometricConstructionRulesofPlanarStableFramedSystems / 017 ◎ 2.4 Relationship Between Static Determinacy and Geometric ConstructionofStructures / 020 Chapter3 InternalForceCalculationofStaticallyDeterminateStructure / 024 ◎ 3.1 CalculationofStaticallyDeterminateBeams / 024 ◎ 3.2 PlaneStaticallyDeterminateRigidFrames / 036 ◎ 3.3 ThreeHingedArches / 049 ◎ 3.4 PlaneStaticallyDeterminateTrussesandCompositeStructres / 057 ◎ 3.5 GeneralRemarksonStaticallyDeterminateStructures / 071 001 / Structural Analysis Chapter4 PrincipleofVirtualWorkandDisplacementsofStructures / 076 ◎ 4.1 IntroductionforCalculationofStructuralDisplacement / 076 ◎ 4.2 VirtualWorkandPrincipleofVirtualWork / 077 ◎ 4.3 General Equation and Unit Load Method for Computing Displacements / 080 ◎ 4.4 CalculationofDisplacementsCausedbyLoads / 082 ◎ 4.5 Graph-MultiplicationMethod / 086 ◎ 4.6 ReciprocalLawsforLinearElasticSystem / 093 Chapter5 ForceMethod / 097 ◎ 5.1 ConceptsofStaticallyIndeterminate Structuresand Statically IndeterminateTimes / 097 ◎ 5.2 BasicConceptofForceMethod / 100 ◎ 5.3 Statically Indeterminate Beams, Rigid Frames and Bent Frames / 105 ◎ 5.4 AnalysisofSymmetricStructures / 117 ◎ 5.5 Internal Forces due to Temperature Changes and Support Settlements / 120 ◎ 5.6 Computation of Displacements of Statically Indeterminate Structures / 125 ◎ 5.7 CheckingtheFinalInternalDiagramofStaticallyIndeterminate Structure / 127 ◎ 5.8 StaticallyIndeterminateArches / 128 ◎ 5.9 PropertiesofStaticallyIndeterminateStructures / 133 Chapter6 DisplacementMethod / 137 ◎ 6.1 FundamentalConceptsofDisplacementMethod / 137 ◎ 6.2 EquationofAngular DisplacementofStraightBar with Equal Section / 140 002 ◎ 6.3 Primary Unknowns and Primary Systems in Displacement Method / 147 ◎ 6.4 Displacement-MethodEquations / 152 ◎ 6.5 Development of Displacement-Method Equations by Direct StiffnessMethod / 159 Chapter7 MethodofSuccessiveApproximations / 165 ◎ 7.1 Concepts and Terminology in Moment Distribution Method / 165 ◎ 7.2 Moment Distribution at a Single Joint—Moment-Distribution Process / 168 ◎ 7.3 Moment Distributions at Multi-Joints—Successive Approximations / 170 Chapter8 InfluenceLine / 175 ◎ 8.1 ConceptofInfluenceLines / 175 ◎ 8.2 InfluenceLinesforStaticallyDeterminateSingleSpanBeamsby StaticMethod / 178 ◎ 8.3 InfluenceLinesforGirderswithFloorSystems / 185 ◎ 8.4 InfluenceLinesforTrussesbyUsingStaticMethod / 189 ◎ 8.5 VirtualDisplacement MethodforConstructingInfluenceLines forStaticallyDeterminateBeams / 193 ◎ 8.6 ApplicationofInfluenceLines / 198 ◎ 8.7 Influence Lines for Forces of Statically Indeterminate Structures / 213 ◎ 8.8 MostUnfavorableArrangementofLiveLoadsandEnvelopsfor InternalForcesofContinuousBeams / 219 Bibliography / 224 003 Contents Contents Chapter1 Introduction / 001 ◎ 1.1 ResearchObjectandMain ContentofStructuralAnalysis / 001 ◎ 1.2 SimplifiedDiagramsfor StructuralCalculations / 002 ◎ 1.3 TypesofLoads / 007 ◎ 1.4 Classification ofFramedStructures / 009 Chapter2 GeometricConstruction AnalysisofStructures / 012 ◎ 2.1 Geometric Construction ofStructures / 012 ◎ 2.2 ConceptofDegreesofFreedom andRestraints / 013 ◎ 2.3 Geometric Construction RulesofPlanar Stable FramedSystems / 017 ◎ 2.4 Relationship Between Static Determinacy and Geometric Construction ofStructures / 020 Chapter3 InternalForceCalculation ofStaticallyDeterminateStructure / 024 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ◎ 3.1 Calculation ofStatically Determinate Beams / 024 ◎ 3.2 Plane Statically Determinate RigidFrames / 036 ◎ 3.3 Three HingedArches / 049 ◎ 3.4 Plane Statically Determinate TrussesandComposite Structres / 057 ◎ 3.5 GeneralRemarkson Statically Determinate Structures / 071 Chapter4 PrincipleofVirtualWork andDisplacementsofStructures / 076 ◎ 4.1 Introduction forCalculation ofStructuralDisplacement / 076 ◎ 4.2 VirtualWork andPrinciple ofVirtualWork / 077 ◎ 4.3 General Equation and Unit Load Method for Computing Displacements / 080 ◎ 4.4 Calculation ofDisplacementsCausedby Loads / 082 ◎ 4.5 Graph-Multiplication Method / 086 ◎ 4.6 ReciprocalLawsforLinearElastic System / 093 Chapter5 Force Method / 097 ◎ 5.1 Concepts of Statically Indeterminate Structures and Statically Indeterminate Times / 097 ◎ 5.2 Basic ConceptofForce Method / 100 ◎ 5.3 Statically Indeterminate Beams, Rigid Frames and Bent Frames / 105 ◎ 5.4 AnalysisofSymmetric Structures / 117 ◎ 5.5 Internal Forces due to Temperature Changes and Support Settlements / 120 ◎ 5.6 Computation of Displacements of Statically Indeterminate Structures / 125 ◎ 5.7 Checking the FinalInternalDiagram ofStatically Indeterminate Structure / 127 ◎ 5.8 Statically Indeterminate Arches / 128 ◎ 5.9 PropertiesofStatically Indeterminate Structures / 133 Chapter6 DisplacementMethod / 137 ◎ 6.1 FundamentalConceptsofDisplacementMethod / 137 ◎ 6.2 Equation of Angular Displacement of Straight Bar with Equal Section / 140 002/ Structural Analysis Contents ◎ 6.3 Primary Unknowns and Primary Systems in Displacement Method / 147 ◎ 6.4 Displacement-MethodEquations / 152 ◎ 6.5 Development of Displacement-Method Equations by Direct StiffnessMethod / 159 Chapter7 Method ofSuccessiveApproximations / 165 ◎ 7.1 Concepts and Terminology in Moment Distribution Method / 165 ◎ 7.2 Moment Distribution at a Single Joint— Moment-Distribution Process / 168 ◎ 7.3 Moment Distributions at Multi-Joints—Successive Approximations / 170 Chapter8 InfluenceLine / 175 ◎ 8.1 ConceptofInfluence Lines / 175 ◎ 8.2 Influence Linesfor Statically Determinate Single Span Beams by Static Method / 178 ◎ 8.3 Influence LinesforGirderswithFloor Systems / 185 ◎ 8.4 Influence LinesforTrussesby Using Static Method / 189 ◎ 8.5 Virtual Displacement Method for Constructing Influence Lines for Statically Determinate Beams / 193 ◎ 8.6 Application ofInfluence Lines / 198 ◎ 8.7 Influence Lines for Forces of Statically Indeterminate Structures / 213 ◎ 8.8 MostUnfavorable Arrangement ofLive Loads and Envelops for InternalForcesofContinuousBeams / 219 Bibliography / 224




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