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书名 Technical and Legal Aspects of the Regimes of the Continental Shelf and the Area
分类 人文社科-法律-法学理论
作者 高之国 等 编
出版社 中国民主法制出版社
Technical and Legal aspects of the regimes of the continental shelf and the Area (The Third Album)系“第三届大陆架和靠前海底区域制度科学与法律问题靠前研讨会”文集。2012年是《联合国海洋法公约》签署30周年,本次会议是对《公约》设立的大陆架和靠前海底区域两项重要制度的科学与法律问题进行专门研讨。研讨会由中国国家海洋局海洋发展战略研究所和第二海洋研究所共同主办,来自大陆架界限委员会、靠前海底管理局、海洋法法庭等机构的代表以及来自不同国家和靠前组织的专家学者,递交了论文,共同探讨大陆架和“区域”制度的新发展。本次文集共收到论文来自德国、莫桑比克、俄罗斯、比利时、丹麦、美国等十几个国家的专家、学者及靠前组织官员递交的论文近30篇。包括5个主题,以及资源开发与海洋环境保护、大陆架扩展与区域的理论与实践,事态发展与靠前仲裁等。
Address of the Leader of the State Oceanic Administration
Address of the Presentation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China
The Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf: Past, Present and Future
Speech on the Work Progress of ISA
China's Practice Regarding the Regimes of the Continental Shelf and the Area
Lava Flows Interbedded in the Sedimentary Sequence of the Southernmost Mozambique Basin--A Challenge for the Application of the Gardiner Formula (UNCLOS, art.76 par.4 (a)(i))
Magmatic and Hydrothermal Systems of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge:Interprocessing Communication
The 2012 Judgment of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea in the Case Concerning the Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary in the Bay of Bengal (Bangladesh/Myanmar) : New Perspectives for Future Cases?
The Contribution of the Permanent Court of Arbitration to Maritime Delimitation
Australia and the Continental Shelf Regime Beyond 200 Nautical Miles
The Continental Shelf Regime Beyond 200 nm: An European Perspective
Recent Decisions by the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf on Japan's Submission of Outer Continental Shelf
Protection of the Marine Environment from Activities in the Area
Future Issues in Oil and Gas Development on the Arctic Continental Shelf
Offshore Oil and Gas Development in the Gulf of Mexico: Understanding the Recent U.S.and Mexico Treaty on Shared Hydrocarbons
The UNCLOS Ⅲ Convention at Thirty: Quo Vadis Nunc? -Closing Remarks to the Third International Symposium on The Scientific and Legal Aspects of The Regimes of the Continental Shelf and Area




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