内容推荐 电动力学是研究电磁现象的经典的动力学理论,它主要研究电磁场的基本属性、运动规律以及电磁场和带电物质的相互作用。本书共分五章,讨论了与麦克斯韦方程、守恒定律、电磁波、势、场和辐射有关的主要概念和方法。本书还在对应的知识点中添加了简要的理论注释和公式,提出了电动力学中的一些基础问题。本书中关于电动力学的问题和解决方法为大学本科生更深入地理解和掌握电动力学奠定了理论基础,为研究生阶段的学习做好准备。本书适合大学师生、研究生及爱好者参考阅读。 目录 Preface Acknowledgements Author biographies Illustrations 1 Maxwell's equations—Electrodynamics 1.1 Theory 1.1.1 Ohm's law 1.1.2 Joule heating law 1.1.3 Flux rule for motional electromotive force 1.1.4 Magnetic energy 1.1.5 Maxwell's equations 1.2 Problems and solutions Bibliography 2 Conservation laws 2.1 Theory 2.1.1 Electromagnetic energy density 2.1.2 Poynting's theorem 2.1.3 Maxwell's stress tensor 2.1.4 Electromagnetic force on a charge in volume V 2.1.5 Electromagnetic momentum density 2.1.6 Continuity equation 2.2 Problems and solutions Bibliography 3 Electromagnetic waves 3.1 Theory 3.1.1 Intensity 3.1.2 Radiation pressure 3.1.3 Monochromatic plane wave 3.1.4 Electromagnetic waves in matter 3.1.5 Coaxial transmission line 3.2 Problems and solutions Bibliography 4 Potentials and fields 4.1 Theory 4.1.1 Electric field 4.1.2 Gauge transformations 4.1.3 Retarded potentials 4.1.4 Jefimenko's equations 4.1.5 Lienard-Wiechert potentials 4.1.6 Moving point charge 4.2 Problems and solutions Bibliography 5 Radiation 5.1 Theory 5.1.1 Power radiated 5.1.2 Electric dipole radiation 5.1.3 Magnetic dipole radiation 5.1.4 Larmor formula 5.1.5 Radiation fields 5.2 Problems and solutions Bibliography 编辑手记 |