内容推荐 《小学英语默写能手:接力版.6年级.上》由朱海峰主编 目录 Lesson1 How many candles are there? 训练1 Look and listen~Ask and answer 训练2 Enjoy reading 训练3 Look and say~Check and tick 训练4词汇专项 训练5句型专项 训练6语篇专项 Lesson1听写检测 Lesson1自主检测 Lesson2 The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. 训练1 Look and listen~Ask and answer 训练2 Enjoy reading 训练3 Look and say~Check and tick 训练4词汇专项 训练5句型专项 训练6语篇专项 Lesson2听写检测 Lesson2自主检测 …… |