赵晓华拥有英语的专业背景,了解亲子间的互动,并对阅读绘本充满热情。《幼儿英语启蒙分级绘本》系列将引导父母带领孩子循序渐进地进行英语阅读,共读共学,培养孩子的英语兴趣和能力! 本套为第三辑,包括“Gifts From Grandma”“Fox and Grapes”等12个小故事。
3-1 Where’s Our Mommy? 3-2 Seasons and Activities 3-3 Gifts From Grandma 3-4 I Like Swimming 3-5 The Busy Mother Bird 3-6 The Snowman 3-7 Have You Found Your Hat? 3-8 Cody Can’t Bark 3-9 Fox and Grapes 3-10 Piggy in the Classroom 3-11 The Hare and the Tortoise 3-12 Bear and Rabbit