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内容推荐 本书共分9章, 从结构和理论两个方面对液压系统的非线性特征的来源进行了深入的探索, 并给出了理论计算方法, 开发了一个解析解, 证明了新的解析解在模拟中比原来的数值方法快200倍。针对传统阀控液压的高能耗低效率特征, 本书提出了一个泵阀混控液压系统设计, 无需伺服阀等控制装备, 结合了阀控和泵控系统的优点, 在能耗和响应性能之间取得了平衡, 并对其性能表现进行了详细的探讨。 目录 Chapter 1 From Historical Evolution to Disciplinary Contributions 1.1 A wide variety of hydraulic systems 1.2 Valves and pumps 1.2.1 Energy-efficient valve-controlled systems 1.2.2 Pump-controlled hydraulic systems 1.2.3 Modeling of a pump-controlled hydraulic system 1.3 Mysterious friction 1.3.1 Basic friction behaviours 1.3.2 Friction model 1.4 Concluding remarks Chapter 2 Component Linking Modeling Method 2.1 Moog valve controlled asymmetric cylinder system 2.1.1 System components 2.1.2 Component linking model in Simulink 2.1.3 System model in Simulink 2.2 Concluding remarks Chapter 3 Hybrid Pump Controlled Asymmetric Cylinder System 3.1 Design blueprints 3.2 System components and parameters 3.2.1 Servomotor 3.2.2 Pump 3.2.3 Power supply and motor drive 3.2.4 Valves 3.2.5 Actuator 3.2.6 Sensors
\t3.2.7 Signal processing platform