内容推荐 本书是后世研究英国古迹建筑的重要资料,不仅用文字记述了建筑的历史变迁,并且用366张绘制极为精美的图版,全面展示了建筑形制上的特点,以及独特的艺术与文化特征。约翰·布里顿在1805-1814年编撰了9卷本的《英国建筑古迹》一书,涉及了英国当时现存的古迹建筑共计60余处,囊括了教堂、城堡,以及其他反映英国古代建筑艺术成就的代表性建筑。在1814-1835年又编撰了14卷本的《英格兰大教堂》,详细描述14处英国历史上最具代表性的天主教堂,另附大约300张图版,呈现了每座教堂的建筑形制与基本风貌,对代表性的细节特点亦做了深入刻画。每座教堂历任主教的在位时间,亦有详表说明,这对人们深入了解每座教堂背后的历史有极大的帮助。 现将《英国建筑古迹》(The Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain)与《英格兰大教堂》(Cathedral Antiquities of England)合编为《英国建筑古迹两种》(六卷本),据英文原版影印出版。 目录 总目 Vol.I The architectural antiquities?of??Great Britain Vol.I 1-212 The architectural antiquities?of??Great Britain Vol.II 213-426 Vol.II The architectural antiquities?of??Great Britain Vol.III 1-200 The architectural antiquities?of??Great Britain Vol.IV 201-488 Vol.III The architectural antiquities?of??Great Britain Vol.V 1-444 Vol.IV The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Salisbury. 1-162 The History And Antiquities of the See and Cathedral Church of Norwich 163-282 The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Oxford 283-346 The History And Antiquities of the See and Cathedral Church of Winchester 347-524 The History And Antiquities of the See and Cathedral Church of Lichfifled 525-618 The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Hereford 619-722 Vol.V The History and Antiquities of the Metropolitical Church of Canterbury 1-148 The History and Antiquities of the Metropolitical Church of York 149-280 The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Wales 281-446 The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Exeter 447-630 The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Worcester 631-732 Vol.VI The History And Antiquities of Bath Abbey Church 1-182 An Historical and Architectural Essay Relating to Redcliffe Church 183-248 The History And Antiquities of the Abbey, And Cathedral Church of Peterborough 249-364 The History And Antiquities of the Abbey, And Cathedral Church of Cloucester 365-512 The History And Antiquities of the Abbey, And Cathedral Church of Bristol 513-614 |