内容推荐 《六年级英语(上RP)/黄冈小状元作业本》抓重点内容、重点知识、重点能力、重点方法、重点考题及重点思维训练,着力重点内容的精准训练。难度定位于中等及中等偏上的学生,可以满足学生考重点、上重点、冲刺名校的需要。 本书适合六年级学生使用。 目录 Unit 1 How can I get there A. Let's try Let's talk A. Let's learn Make a map and talk B. Let's try Let's talk B. Let's learn Be a tour guide B. Read and write-Let's wrap it up C. Story time Unit 1 听力训练 Unit 1 阅读训练 Unit 1 习作园地 Unit 2 Ways to go to school A. Let's try Let's talk A. Let's learn Write and say B. Let's try Let's talk B. Let's learn Role-play B. Read and write-Let's wrap it up C. Story time Unit 2 听力训练 Unit 2 阅读训练 Unit 2 习作园地 Unit 3 My weekend plan A. Let's try Let's talk A. Let's learn Make a plan B. Let's try Let's talk B. Let's learn Role-play B. Read and write-Let's wrap it up C. Story time Unit 3 听力训练 Unit 3 阅读训练 Unit 3 习作园地 Unit 4 I have a pen pal A. Let's try Let's talk A. Let's learn Do a survey B. Let's try Let's talk B. Let's learn Listen, match and say B. Read and write-Let's wrap it up C. Story time Unit 4 听力训练 Unit 4 阅读训练 Unit 4 习作园地 Unit 5 What does he do A. Let's try Let's talk A. Let's learn Listen, match and say B. Let's try Let's talk B. Let's learn Write and discuss B. Read and write-Let's wrap it up C. Story time Unit 5 听力训练 Unit 5 阅读训练 Unit 5 习作园地 Unit 6 How do you feel A. Let's try Let's talk A. Let's learn Write and say B. Let's try Let's talk B. Let's learn Play card games B. Read and write-Let's wrap it up C. Story time Unit 6 听力训练 Unit 6 阅读训练 Unit 6 习作园地 |