内容推荐 本书不仅体现了基础理论的完整性,而且重视数值实施方法的关键细节,为在工程界推广新一代力学理论的应用提供了基础。本书的出版,将对推动我国工程结构非线性分析、有效地提升我国在土木工程方面的自主设计与创新能力做出应有的贡献。本书可供土木工程、水利工程、交通工程等领域的教学、科研、工程技术人员和研究生阅读参考。 作者简介 李杰,工学博士,丹麦奥尔堡大学荣誉博士,我国教育部首批长江学者;现任同济大学讲座教授,博士生导师,上海防灾救灾研究所所长;兼任国际结构安全性与可靠性协会(IASSAR)执行委员会委员,中国振动工程学会副理事长、随机振动专业委员会主任,中国建筑学会结构计算理论与工程应用专业委员会主任等学术职务。长期从事结构工程理论研究工作,在随机动力学、混凝土损伤力学、工程可靠性研究中有系列学术贡献。出版学术专著6本;在国内外学术期刊发表研究论文400余篇,其中SCI收录120余篇,研究论著被他人引用7000余次;获得国家级、部省级科技奖励20余项。 目录 Part 1 Stochastic Damage Mechanics Indentation tests based multi-scale random media modeling of concrete Physical mechanism of concrete damage under compression Stochastic damage model for concrete based on energy equivalent strain A rate-dependent stochastic damage-plasticity model for quasi-brittle materials A physically motivated model for fatigue damage of concrete A probabilistic analyzed method for concrete fatigue life Two-scale random field model for quasi-brittle materials A random medium model for simulation of concrete failure Part 2 Continuum Damage Mechanics An energy release rate-based plastic-damage model for concrete Elastoplastic damage model for concrete based on consistent free energy potential 3D elastoplastic damage model for concrete based on novel decomposition of stress A untied dynamic model for concrete considering viscoplasticity and rate-dependent damage A competitive mechanism driven damage-plasticity model for fatigue behavior of concrete Softened damage-plasticity model for analysis of cracked reinforced concrete structures Part 3 Numerical Methods for Damage Mechanics Semi-implicit algorithm for elastoplastic damage models involving energy integration Implicit gradient delocalization method for force_based frame element Two-level consistent secant operators for cyclic 10ading of structures。 Part 4 Application of Damage Mechanics Stochastic nonlinear behavior of reinforced concrete frames.Ⅱ:numerical simulation Muhiscale st。chastic structural analysis towards reliability assessment for large dynamic analysis of seismic oollapse super-tall building structures Stochastic analysis of fatigue of concrete bridges |