unaffected [ˌʌn.ə'fek.tɪd] adjective NOT CHANGED 未改变的 ■not influenced, harmed or interrupted in any way 未受影响的;未受伤害的;未被打断的•The west of the city was largely unaffected by the bombing.该城西部基本上没有受到轰炸的破坏。 •It is hoped that train services on the main lines will be unaffected by today's industrial action.人们希望干线列车的运行不会因今天的罢工而中断。 [ˌʌn.ə'fek.tɪd] adjective SINCERE 真诚的 approving ■natural and sincere in your behaviour 真诚自然的;不矫揉造作的;真挚的•For someone who has spent forty years in show business she remains remarkably unaffected by it all.作为一个在娱乐圈了呆了40年的人,她仍然保持着惊人的纯真。 |