内容推荐 本书从针对空气冷却取水,研究转轮辅助的高效空气取水流程及主动式和被动式冷热源的高效利用方式,对系统的在多工况下的取水能效、优化运行参数及经济性进行全面分析。本书拟分7章,主要包括以下内容:空气冷却取水类型及特点;固体吸附转轮热湿传递机理及数值模型;固体转轮用于空气加湿和空气除湿的对比;空气取水热力循环构建及性能优化分析;采用主动式冷热源的转轮辅助加湿空气取水系统性能分析;采用被动式冷热源的转轮辅助加湿空气取水系统性能分析;热泵驱动空气取水装置全工况运行优化。 目录 Chapter 1 Reviews of Atmospheric Water Harvesting Technologies 1.1 Atmospheric water harvesting using conventional technologies 1.1.1 Atmospheric water harvesting using condensation technologies 1.1.2 Atmospheric water harvesting using sorption technologies 1.2 Atmospheric water harvesting using other technologies 1.2.1 Innovative technologies for atmospheric water harvesting 1.2.2 Desiccant wheel or membrane assisted technologies for atmospheric water harvesting 1.3 Performance limiting factors and solutions of atmospheric water harvesting technologies 1.3.1 Performance limiting factors of atmospheric water harvesting technologies 1.3.2 Solutions 1.4 Conclusions References Chapter 2 Working Principles of Desiccant Wheels used to Dehumidify or Humidify Air 2.1 Heat and moisture transfer mechanism in desiccant wheel 2.2 Numerical models of the desiccant wheel 2.2.1 Working principles of desiccant wheels 2.2.2 Two-dimensional-double-diffusion model 2.2.3 One-dimensional-double-diffusion model …… |