内容推荐 本书为五年级同步英语练字帖,字帖所选字体规范、简单、易学,适合初学英语的学生使用。书写内容全面涵盖单词、短语、句子,循序渐进,学与练同步进行,不仅能帮助学生在英文书写方面打好基础,而且对学生的英语学习有所帮助。本书重点在英文书写控笔训练上,以帮助其打好基础,养成良好的书写习惯,写好规范字。本册与下册教材同步。 目录 Unit 1 eat breakfast have...class play sports exercise do morning exercises eat dinner clean my room go for a walk go shopping take dancing take a dancing class when after start usually Spain late a.m. p.m. why shop work last sound also busy need play letter live island always cave go swimming win Unit 1 默写单词 Unit 2 spring summer autumn winter season picnic go on a picnic pick pick apples snowman make a snowman. go swimming which best snow good job because vacation all pink lovely leaf fall paint Unit 2 默写单词 Unit 3 January February March April May June July August September October November December few a few thJng meet sports meet trip year plant contest the Great Wall national National Day American Thanksgiving Christmas game riddle act act out RSVP by Unit 3 默写单词 Unit 4 first (1st) second (2nd) third (3rd) fourth (4th) fifth (5th) twelfth (12th) twentieth (20th). twenty-first (21st) twenty-third (23rd) thirtieth (30th) other special show festival kitten diary still noise fur open walk Unit 4 默写单词 Unit 5 mine yours his hers theirs ours climbing eating playing jumping drinking sleeping each each other excited like Unit 5 默写单词 Unit 6 doing morning exerci ses having...class eating lunch reading a book listening to music keep keep to the right keep your desk clean talk quietly turn take turns bamboo its show anything else exhibition say have a look sushi teach sure Canadian Spanish Unit 6 默写单词 |