内容简介 《形而上学》是古希腊哲学家亚里士多德创作的哲学著作,创作于公元前4世纪。 全书的第1、2卷回顾了以前的哲学家关于世界本源问题的看法,指出探究事物存在和发展原因的重要性。第3、4、6卷主要讨论哲学研究的方向以及科学分类的原则,提出了关于哲学研究的问题。第5卷对30个哲学术语分别列出了定义及内容。第7卷解释了实体学说。第8、9卷提出了实体的意义,讨论了质料和形式、潜能和现实的范畴及其辩证关系。第10卷介绍整体、连接、同一以及相关概念。第11卷对该书的前部分进行了简单的概括。第12卷讲了宇宙的总因,提出了神学思想。第13、14卷集中批评了数论派和理念论。 《形而上学》阐发了一种学说,这种学说有时称为智慧,任务是描述实在的非常普遍、非常抽象的特征,以及普遍有效的原则。 本书是亚里士多德《形而上学》的两种经典校注汇编。 作者简介 赫尔曼·博尼茨(Hermann Bonitz),19世纪古典学大师,1849年,校注《形而上学》(Aristotelis Metaphysica),集旧注之大成。 威廉·大卫·罗斯(Sir William David Ross),20世纪哲学大家,1924年,校注《形而上学》(Aristotle's Metaphysics),在博尼茨基础上,更进一步,益加精到完善。 博尼茨的Aristotelis Metaphysica,罗斯的Aristotle's Metaphysics,前后辉映,堪称《形而上学》注释的双璧,今合为一书,以供学者参稽。 前言序言 The main object of this preface is to express my sincere thanks to those who have helped me in preparing this edition of the Metaphysics. First I would thank the Trustees of the Jowett. Copyright Fund and the Master and Fellows of Balliol College, whose generous financial help has made possible the publication of the book; their assistance is commemorated by the Balliol arms on the cover. Next I wish to express my gratitude to the following friends, who have read parts of the book in manuscript and much assisted me by their comments: Professors J. A. Smith and C. C. J. Webb of this University; Professor E. S, Forster of the University of Sheffield; Professor J. L. Stocks of the Victoria University, Manchester; the late Mr. C. Cannanj Secretary to the Delegates of the Press; Mr. R. G. Collingwood, Fellow of Pembroke College; Mr. H. A. Prichard, late Fellow of Trinity College; and particularly Professor H. H. Joachim of this University, who not only commented exhaustively on my treatment of Books ZHO but allowed me to make what use I pleased of his own valuable-notes on Book Z. My apparatus criticus contains unpublished emendations (some of which I have adopted) by Professors Forster, Joachim, and Smith, and Mr. Cannan, as well as some by the late Professor I. Bywater, by the President of Corpus Christi College (Mr. T. Case), and by Professor A. R, Lord of Rhodes University College, Grahams town. On some points in the later Platonic theory I have had the advantage of exchanging views with Professor A. E. Taylor of the University of Edinburgh. |