内容推荐 本教程对文化、交际、语言、跨文化交际等相关概念进行了详细讲解。通过对英语国家较为典型的主流文化现象进行描述、阐释和讨论,培养学生对目的语文化的兴趣和理解力,进而使学生主动观察、分析、对比、评价文化及文化差异现象,使学生能够较为客观、系统、全面地认识英语国家的文化,从而拓宽学生的国际视野,增强学生的跨文化交际意识,提高学生的跨文化交际能力。 与本教程配套的多媒体学习网站“文泉课堂”提供微课、有声教材、案例库等立体化多模态学习资源。登录“中国大学MOOC”在线学习平台或“优课联盟”慕课平台,输人“大学英语跨文化交际”课程名称,即可选课。 作者简介 严明,男,1963年生,教授,博士生导师,英语语言文学博士,管理学博士,民商法学硕士,教育经济与管理硕士。现任黑龙江大学应用外语学院院长,外语教学研究部主任,教育部高等学校大学外语教学指导委员会委员,教育部高等学校英语专业教学指导分委员会商务英语专业教学协作组副组长,全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会委员,全国商务英语专业四、八级考试委员会副主任等。 严明教授是“大学英语跨文化交际”国家精品课程负责人。承担省部级教学科研项目13项,出版著作7部,主编“十二五”国家级规划教材2部,“十一五”国家级规划教材4部,系列教材4套,教材10部。在《光明日报》《中国教育报》《中国高教研究》和《外语学刊》等学术刊物上共发表论文40余篇。 目录 Chapter 1 Culture and Communication 本章导读 Learning Objectives Chapter Outline Pre-class Activities-Lead-in Case In-class Learning Text A The Nature of Culture Text B Characteristics of Culture Text C Cultural Identity Texf D Communication and Intercultural Communication Summary-From the Intercultural Perspective Assessment Chapter 2 Culture's Influence on Perception 本章导读 Learning Objectives Chapter Outline Pre-class Activities-Lead-in Case In-class Learning Text A Overview:Human Perception Text B Cross-cultural Differences in Sensation and Perception Text C How to Improve Your Perceptual Skills in Intercultural Communication Summary-From the Intercultural Perspective Assessment Chapter 3 Intercultural Communication Barriers 本章导读 Learning Objectives Chapter Outline Pre-class Activities-Lead-in Case In-class Learning Text A EmotionaI Problems as Ba rriers to Intercultural Communication Text B Attitudinal Problems as Barriers to InterculturaI Communication Text C Translation Problems as Language Barriers Summary-From the Intercultural Perspective Assessment Chapter 4 Verbal Intercultural Communication 本章导读 Learning Objectives Chapter Outline Pre-class Activities-Lead-in Case In-class Learning Text A Language and Culture Text B Verbal Communication Styles Text C Language Diversity Summary-From the Intercultural Perspective Assessment Chapter 5 Nonverbal Intercultural Communication 本章导读 Learning Objectives Chapter Outline Pre-class Activities-Lead-in Case In-class Learning Text A Definition and Functions of Nonverbal Communication Text B Paralanguage and Silence Text C 1ime and Space Text D Other Categories of Nonverbal Communication Summary-From the Intercultural Perspective Assessment Chapter 6 Culture Patterns 本章导读 Learning Objectives Chapter Outline Pre-class Activities-Lead-in Case In-class Learning Text A Components of Cultural Patterns Text B Edward THall's Context-Culture Theory Text C Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's Value Orientation Text D Hofstede's Dimensions of Cultural Variability Summary-From the Intercultural Perspective Assessment Chapter 7 Cultural Influences on Contexts 本章导读 Learning Objectives Chapter Outline Pre-class Activities-Leadin Case In-class Learning Text A The Business Context Text B The Educational Conte对 Text C The Health Care Context Summary-From the Intercultural Perspective Assessment Chapter 8 Intercultural Adaptation 本章导读 Learning Objectives Chapter Outline Pre-class Activities-Lead-in Case In-class Learning Text A Acculturation Texf B Culture Shock Text C Intercultural Adaptation Text D Intercultural Communication Competence Summary-From the Intercultural Perspective Assessment Conclusion Appendix A Terms Appendix B Keys and Sample Answers Appendix C Text Sources Appendix D Case Sources |