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书名 生药学实验与指导(第2版全国高等医药院校药学类专业第二轮实验双语教材)(汉英对照)
分类 科学技术-医学-药学
出版社 中国医药科技出版社
第一篇 基础性实验
Chapter 1Basic Experiments
实验一 生药的性状鉴别
Experiment 1Macroscopical Identification of Crude Drugs
实验二 生药显微标本片的制作与显微镜的使用
Experiment 2Preparation of Microscopical Specimen Slides of Crude Drugs and Usage of Microscope
实验三 生药显微测量与显微描绘
Experiment 3Microscopical Measurement and Microscopical Drawing
实验四 生药的显微化学鉴别
Experiment 4Micro-chemical Identification of Crude Drugs
实验五 生药中各类化学成分的定性鉴别
Experiment 5Identification of Main Chemical Constituents in Crude Drugs
实验六 生药薄层色谱鉴别
Experiment 6Thin Layer Chromatographic Identification of Crude Drugs
实验七 生药水分及灰分测定
Experiment 7Determination of Water and Ash in Crude Drugs
实验八 生药挥发油及浸出物测定
Experiment 8Determination of Volatile Oils and Extractives
实验九 生药重金属及有害元素测定
Experiment 9Determination of Heavy Metal and Harmful Elements in Crude Drugs
实验十 农药残留量测定
Experiment 10Determination of Pesticide Residues in Crude Drugs
第二篇 验证性实验
Chapter TwoConfirmatory Experiments
实验十一 菌类生药——灵芝、茯苓
Experiment 11Identification of Ganoderma and Poria(Fungi)
实验十二 裸子植物类生药——麻黄
Experiment 12Identification of Ephedrae Herba(Gymnospermae)
实验十三 蓼科生药——大黄、何首乌
Experiment 13Identification of Rhei Radix et Rhizoma and Polygoni Multiflori Radix(Polygonaceae)
实验十四 苋科生药——牛膝、川牛膝
Experiment 14Identification of Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix and Cyathulae Radix(Amaranthaceae)
实验十五 木兰科生药——厚朴、五味子
Experiment 15Identification of Magnoliae Officinalis Cortex and Schisandrae Chinensis Fructus(Magnoliaceae)
实验十六 毛茛科生药——黄连
Experiment 16Identification of Coptidis Rhizoma(Ranunculaceae)
实验十七 十字花科生药——大青叶
Experiment 17Identification of Isatidis Folium(Cruciferae)
实验十八 蔷薇科生药——苦杏仁的鉴定
Experiment 18Identification of Armeniacae Semen Amarum(Rosaceae)
实验十九 豆科生药——甘草
Experiment 19Identification of Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma(Leguminosae)
实验二十 瑞香科生药——沉香
Experiment 20Identification of Aquilariae Lignum Resinatum(Thymelaeaceae)
实验二十一五 加科生药——人参、三七
Experiment 21Identification of Ginseng Radix et Rhizoma and Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma(Araliaceae)
实验二十二 伞形科生药——当归、小茴香
Experiment 22Identification of Angelicae Sinensis Radix and Foeniculif Fructus(Umbelliferae)
实验二十三 唇形科生药——薄荷、丹参
Experiment 23Identification of Menthae Haplocalycis Herba and Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix et Rhizoma(Lamiaceae)
实验二十四 忍冬科生药——金银花、山银花
Experiment 24Identification of Lonicerae Japonicae Flos and Lonicerae Flos(Caprifoliaceae)
实验二十五 菊科生药——红花
Experiment 25Identification of Carthami Flos(Compositae)
实验二十六 鸢尾科生药——西红花
Experiment 26Identification of Croci Stigma(Iridaceae)
实验二十七 姜科生药——砂仁
Experiment 27Identification of Amomi Fructus(Zingiberaceae)
实验二十八 兰科生药——天麻、石斛
Experiment 28Identification of Gastrodiae Rhizoma and Dendrobii Caulis (Orchidaceae)
实验二十九 动物类生药——斑蝥、全蝎
Experiment 29Identification of Mylabris and Scorpio
实验三十 动物类生药——珍珠、牡蛎
Experiment 30Identification of Margarita and Ostreae Concha
实验三十一 矿物类生药——朱砂、雄黄
Experiment 31Identification of Cinnabaris and Realgar
第三篇 设计性与综合性实验
Chapter ThreeDesignable and Comprehensive Experiments
实验三十二 几种未知生药混合粉末的显微及理化鉴别
Experiment 32 Microscopical Identification and Physico-chemical Identification of Unknown Cude Drugs
实验三十三 位点特异性PCR法鉴别金银花和山银花
Experiment 33Molecular Identification of Lonicerae Japonicae Flos and Lonicerae Flos by Using Allele-specific PCR
实验三十四 天麻HPLC




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