内容推荐 《剑桥雅思中级教程(Bands5.5-6.5B2共2册新东方雅思指定辅导教程)》包含学生用书和练习册,针对想要参加学术类雅思考试的学生而设计,适用于英语水平处于中上、目标成绩在5.5-6.5分的考生。通过本教程的学习,考生将全面掌握雅思考试所需的听、说、读、写四方面的技巧。书中涵盖了对全部考试题型、重点语法及词汇等的分析和练习,且这些语法和词汇均通过对“剑桥学习者语料库”的调查研究而总结得出,对想要在考试中取得高分的考生非常有帮助。 目录 Map of the units Introduction IELTS Academic Module: content and overview 1 Starting somewhere new 2 It’s good for you! Vocabulary and grammar review Units 1 and 2 3 Getting the message across 4 New media Vocabulary and grammar review Units 3 and 4 5 The world in our hands 6 Making money, spending money Vocabulary and grammar review Units 5 and 6 7 Relationships 8 Fashion and design Vocabulary and grammar review Units 7 and 8 Speaking reference Writing reference Language reference Word list IELTS practice test Recording script Answer key Acknowledgements |