内容推荐 随着转基因植物在全球的广泛种植,转基因植物环境释放引起生态环境风险受到人们的广泛关注。本书分九个章节集结了39个转基因植物生物安全评价研究案例。第一章介绍了转基因植物环境释放后转基因通过种子和花粉介导的基因流在环境种的扩散;第二章研究了转基因表达的蛋白质在土壤和水体等环境介质中的残留和扩散;第三章和第四章分别介绍了转基因植物通过转基因及其表达的蛋白对靶标和非靶标生物个体的影响;第五章和第六章分别介绍了转基因植物进入环境后由于竞争对非转基因植物及其近缘种的影响;第七章研究了转基因植物进入环境后对一些类群的生物多样性影响;第八章关注气候变化条件下的转基因植物环境释放后的生态风险;第九章介绍了一些降低转基因植物环境释放生态风险的研究案例。 本书为英文版。 目录 Chapter 1 Spread of transgenes in the environment case 1-1 Gene flow between transgenic rice and wild rice case 1-2 Gene flow between transgenic rice and weeds case 1-3 Gene flow between Brassica napus and B. juncea case 1-4 The effects of seed size on gene flow between Brassica napus and B. juncea case 1-5 Spread of introgressed insect-resistance genes in wild populations of Brassica juncea Chapter 2 Spread of transgenic proteins in the environment case 2-1 Spread of transgenic proteins in the soil case 2-2 Residues of transgenic proteins in the soil case 2-3 Effects of transgenic proteins on soil physicochemical properties case 2-4 The diffusion of transgenic proteins in water Chapter 3 Effects of the environmental release of transgenic plants on target organisms case 3-1 Evolution of resistance of Chilo suppressalis to transgenic rice case 3-2 The planting of transgenic Bt rice controls the occurrence of Chilo suppressalis case 3-3 Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi controls target pests of transgenic maize case 3-4 The selective feeding of cotton bollworms (Helicoverpa armigera) on transgenic and non-transgenic cotton leaves from consecutive cultivation fields case 3-5 Effects of transgenic cotton on the growth and development of Spodoptera exigua Hübner Chapter 4 Effects of the environmental release of transgenic plants on non-target organisms case 4-1 Effects of transgenic plants on Kunming mice case 4-2 Effects of CrylAb protein on the growth and development of Bufo bufogargarizans Chapter 5 Effects of the environmental release of transgenic plants on conventional crops case 5-1 Characterization of competitive interactions in the coexistence of Bt-transgenic and conventional rice case 5-2 Transgenic rice coexists with conventional rice to effectively control pests in field Chapter 6 Effects of the environmental release of transgenic plants on wild relatives case 6-1 Transgenic Brassica napus alters the reproductive strategy of wild relative Brassica juncea case 6-2 A proteomic analysis of seeds from Bt-transgenic Brassica napus and hybrids with wild B. juncea case 6-3 The presence of transgenic oilseed rape affects growth of wild mustard Chapter 7 Effects of the environmental release of transgenic plants on biodiversity case 7-1 Effects of genetically modified crops on field biodiversity case 7-2 Effects of genetically modified rice on insect diversity in fields case 7-3 Effects of Bt-transgenic rice cultivation on planktonic communities in paddy fields and adjacent ditches case 7-4 Effects of Bt-transgenic rice litter on meiobenthos community in field ditches case 7-5 Effects of Bt-transgenic rice remaining straws on benthos communities in fields case 7-6 Effects of transgenic proteins on the biomass of soil fungi and bacteria case 7-7 Effects of transgenic proteins on soil Poduridae diversity case 7-8case 7-8 Effects of planting transgenic Bt rice on the community diversity of soil mites case 7-9 Effects of litters in the rhizosphere of transgenic crops on soil nematode diversity case 7-10 Effects of transgenic maize on soil nematode community diversity Chapter 8 The environmental release of transgenic plants under climate change case 8-1 Elevated CO2 has specific effects on soil nematode community in the paddyfield of transgenic Bt rice case 8-2 Biological control of transgenic maize to target pests under climate change case 8-3 Effects of transgenic Bt rice on population occurrence of rice planthopper under climate change case 8-4 Application of nitrogen fertilizer reduces the occurrence of Nilaparvata lugens on transgenic Bt rice under climate change Chapter 9 Decreasing ecological risk of environmental release of transgenic plants case 9-1 Reducing gene flow from transgenic to conventional maize in large fields case 9-2 Neighbouring crop diversity reduc |