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单词 develop
释义 develop
[dɪ'vel.əp] verb
 ESSENTIAL  intransitive or transitive
■to (cause something to) grow or change into a more advanced, larger or stronger form (使)发展;(使)发育;(使)成长
It became clear that he wasn't developing like all the other little boys.显然他没有像其他小男孩那样正常生长发育。
The fear is that these minor clashes may develop into all-out confrontation.人们担心这些小小的冲突可能会演变成全面的对抗。
Over time, their acquaintance developed into a lasting friendship.随着时间的推移,他们的泛泛之交变成了巩固的友谊。
This exercise is designed to develop the shoulder and back muscles.这项练习旨在锻炼肩部和背部的肌肉。
I'm looking for a job which will enable me to develop my skills/talents.我在寻找一份可以提高自己技能/才能的工作。
[dɪ'vel.əp] verb
 ESSENTIAL  transitive
■to invent something or bring something into existence 开发;制定
We must develop a new policy/strategy to deal with the problem.我们必须制定一项新政策/策略来处理这个问题。
The company is spending $650 million on developing new products/technology.该公司将斥资6.5亿美元用于新产品/技术的开发。
 IMPROVER  intransitive
■to start to happen or exist 发生;出现
Large cracks began to develop in the wall.墙上开始出现了一些很大的裂缝。
 IMPROVER  intransitive or transitive
■If you develop an illness or problem, or if it develops, you start to suffer from it 患上,患(病);逐渐形成(疾病或问题)
The study showed that one in twelve women is likely to develop breast cancer.这项研究表明约有十二分之一的妇女可能会患乳腺癌。
She's developed some very strange habits lately.她近来养成了一些怪习惯。
■to build houses, factories, shops, etc. on a piece of land 开发,建设
They're planning to develop the whole site into a shopping complex.他们计划把这一整片地皮开发,建设成购物中心。
[dɪ'vel.əp] verb
intransitive or transitive
■to make photographs or negatives from a film (使)显影;冲晒
I haven't had my holiday photos developed yet.我的渡假相片还未冲晒出来。
[dɪ'vel.əp] verb
  Common Learner Errors   developWarning: Check your verb endings!Many learners make mistakes when using develop in the past tense.The past simple and past participle have 'p'. Don't write 'developped', write developed.The -ing form is developing.




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