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单词 copy
释义 copy
UK ['kɒp.i] US ['kɑ:.pi] verb intransitive or transitive
■to produce something so that it is the same as an original piece of work, or to behave, dress, speak, etc. in a way that is intended to be like someone else, for example, because you admire them 复制;临摹;模仿,效仿
They've copied the basic design from the Japanese model and added a few of their own refinements.他们仿照日本模型的基本设计,又加上了一些自己的改良。
Patricia's going to copy her novel onto disk and send it to me.帕特里夏打算把她的小说复制到磁片上寄给我。
He tends to copy his brother in the way he dresses.他常常仿效哥哥的穿着。
disapproving He was always copying from/off other children (= cheating by copying) , but never got caught.他总是抄袭别的孩子,可从未被抓到过。
copy and paste
■If you copy and paste something on a computer screen, you move it from one area to another (在电脑上)复制和贴上
UK ['kɒp.i] US ['kɑ:.pi] verb intransitive or transitive
  Phrasal Verbs   [M] copy sth down
■to write something that someone has said or written so that you can remember it 把…记录下来;把…抄写下来
UK ['kɒp.i] US ['kɑ:.pi] verb intransitive or transitive
  Phrasal Verbs   [M] copy sb in
■to send someone a copy of an email that you are sending to someone else 把电子邮件抄送给某人,向某人加入电子邮件副本名单
I'll copy you in on all emails relating to the project.我会把与这个专案计划有关的所有邮件都寄一份副件给你。
UK ['kɒp.i] US ['kɑ:.pi] verb intransitive or transitive
  Phrasal Verbs   [M] copy sth out UK
■If you copy out a piece of writing, you write it out again on a piece of paper 抄写,誊写
Copy out the poem on page six.把第六页的诗抄写下来。
UK ['kɒp.i] US ['kɑ:.pi] noun
 ESSENTIAL  countable
■something that has been made to be exactly like something else 复制品,仿制品;副本
This painting is only a copy - the original hangs in the Louvre.这幅画只是摹本——原画挂在罗浮宫里。
I always keep a copy of any official or important letters that I send off.我寄发的任何公函或要函都会留一份复印件。
Could you make a copy of (= use a special machine to copy) this for tomorrow's meeting, please?这个明天开会用,你能复印一份吗?
■a single book, newspaper, record or other printed or recorded text of which many have been produced (书报等印刷品或录制品的)一本,一册,一份
Have you got a copy of last Saturday's 'Guardian', by any chance?你或许有上星期六的《卫报》吧?
UK ['kɒp.i] US ['kɑ:.pi] noun
■written text which is to be printed, or text which is intended to help with the sale of a product 稿件;文字说明,宣传说明
We need someone who can write good copy for our publicity department.我们需要有人能为我们的宣传部写些好的宣传报道。




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