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单词 tow
释义 tow
UK [təʊ] US [toʊ] verb transitive
■to pull a car, boat, etc. along, using a rope or a chain tied to another vehicle or boat 拖,拉,牵引(车、船等)
You shouldn't drive fast when your car is towing a caravan.汽车在拖动活动住房时不能开快车。
The road was closed while the vehicles that had been involved in the accident were towed away/off.在发生交通事故的车辆被拖走时,这条道路被封闭。
The damaged boat was towed to safety.受损船只被拖至安全区。
UK [təʊ] US [toʊ] verb transitive
  Phrasal Verbs   [often passive] tow sth away
■to lift a vehicle that has been parked illegally onto an official truck and take it to a place from which you have to pay to collect it 拖走(违规停放的车辆)
You're not allowed to park here - your car will be towed away.这里不准停车——你的车会被拖走的。
UK [təʊ] US [toʊ] noun
give sb/sth a tow
■to pull someone's vehicle using a rope or chain tied to your vehicle 拖,拉
When my car broke down, a police car gave me a tow to the nearest garage.我的车抛锚后,一辆警车把我的车拖至最近的汽车维修站。
on tow UK (US in tow) (Australian also under tow)
■being pulled along 被拖着
The car in front of us is on tow - that's why we're going so slowly.我们前面的那辆车是被拖着走的——这就是我们的车开得这么慢的原因。
The damaged boat drifted for days before it was finally taken in tow.这条受损的船漂流了几天,终于被拖走。
UK [təʊ] US [toʊ] noun
in tow informal
■If you go somewhere with a particular person in tow, they are with you 带着;有…紧跟在后
She arrived at the party, with a tall, silver-haired man in tow.她来参加派对时带着一个高个子银发男子。




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