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单词 no-man's-land
释义 no-man's-land
UK ['nəʊ.mænz.lænd] US ['noʊ-] noun
[S or U]
■an area or strip of land which no one owns or controls such as a strip of land between two countries' borders, especially in a war (尤指战时两国交界处的)无人地带,真空地带
to be lost/stranded/stuck in no-man's-land迷失在/滞留在/困在无人地带
They found themselves trapped in the no-man's-land between the two warring factions.他们发现自己困在交战双方之间的真空地带。
only singular
■a situation or area of activity where there are no rules or which no one understands or controls because it belongs neither to one type nor another 性质尚未确定的形势或领域;真空地带
The families of people who die in custody are in a legal no-man's-land when they try to discover what went wrong.囚犯在监禁期间死亡,其家属试图查清事实真相时,却找不到相关的法律支持。




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