fingerprint UK ['fɪŋ.gə.prɪnt] US [-gɚ-] noun countable (informal print) ■the pattern of curved lines on the end of a finger or thumb, which is different in every person, or a mark left by this pattern 指纹;指印•His fingerprints were all over the gun.枪上到处都是他的指纹。 •The police have taken fingerprints from every man in the neighbourhood.警方已经提取了附近所有男子的指纹。 ■* a fingermark UK ['fɪŋ.gə.prɪnt] US [-gɚ-] verb transitive ■to record the pattern of someone's fingerprints 纪录指纹•We would like to fingerprint every one of your employees.我们希望获取你们的每一位员工的指纹。 |