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单词 roaring
释义 roaring
UK ['rɔ:.rɪŋ] US ['rɔ:r.ɪŋ] adjective
■loud and powerful 喧嚣的,轰鸣的;强烈的,热烈的
the roaring wind怒号的大风
a roaring fire熊熊大火
UK ['rɔ:.rɪŋ] US ['rɔ:r.ɪŋ] adjective
do a roaring trade informal
■to sell a lot of goods very quickly 生意兴隆
It was a hot sunny day and the ice-cream sellers were doing a roaring trade.天又热,日头又毒,那些卖霜淇淋的生意好极了。
UK ['rɔ:.rɪŋ] US ['rɔ:r.ɪŋ] adjective
roaring drunk informal
■very drunk and noisy 耍酒疯的
They came back from the pub roaring drunk.他们醉醺醺从酒吧回来了,耍着酒疯乱嚷嚷。
UK ['rɔ:.rɪŋ] US ['rɔ:r.ɪŋ] adjective
a roaring success informal
■something which is very successful 巨大的成功
The party was a roaring success.派对开得非常成功。




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