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单词 pioneer
释义 pioneer
UK [ˌpaɪə'nɪər] US [-'nɪr] noun countable
■a person who is one of the first people to do something 先驱,先锋,创始人
one of the pioneers of modern science现代科学的先驱之一
a pioneer heart surgeon心脏外科的先驱
■a person who goes to an area and establishes farms, houses, etc 拓荒者,开拓者,开发者
The pioneers went west across North America, cutting down forests and planting new crops.拓荒者横越北美洲向西部进发,砍伐林木,种植新的农作物。
UK [ˌpaɪə'nɪər] US [-'nɪr] verb transitive
■to be one of the first people to do something 做先锋,当开拓者,倡导
It was universities that pioneered these new industries.是大学开创了这些新兴产业。




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