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单词 | clear |
释义 | clear UK [klɪər] US [klɪr] adjective ABLE TO BE UNDERSTOOD 能被理解的 ESSENTIAL ■easy to understand, hear, read or see 明白的;清楚的;易懂的;清晰的 •clear instructions/directions清楚易懂的说明/指示 •Can we make the sound any clearer?我们能把声音再调清晰一点吗? •These books have lovely clear print.这些书印刷得清晰可人。 •Our new television has a very clear picture.我们的新电视影像十分清晰。 Do I make myself clear? (also Is that clear?) ■something you say in order to emphasize what you have just said, or to express your authority (强调刚说的话或表达自己的权威)我讲清楚了吗?听明白我的意思了吗? •I will not tolerate this behaviour any longer. Do I make myself clear?我不会再容忍这样的行为了。我的话你明白吗? UK [klɪər] US [klɪr] adjective CERTAIN 确定的 ESSENTIAL ■certain, having no doubt, or obvious 确定的;无可置疑的;明白无误的;明显的 •He isn't at all clear about •[+ (that •[+ question word] It isn't clear how •It's a clear case •You've made UK [klɪər] US [klɪr] adjective PURE 纯的 ADVANCED ■not cloudy, foggy or with any marks, but pure or easy to see through 晴朗的;纯净的;透明的;清澈的 •clear glass透明的玻璃 •The water •We could see hundreds of stars in the clear desert sky •She has a beautifully clear skin/complexion •The weather •You can see the mountains from here on a clear day ■describes a pleasant, pure sound (指声音)清亮的•the clear sound of the flute嘹亮的笛声 ■describes something that you remember easily (指记忆)清楚的,清晰的•I have clear memories UK [klɪər] US [klɪr] adjective NOT BLOCKED 无障碍的 ■not covered or blocked by anything 无遮盖的;无阻碍的;畅通的 •We have a clear view •The journey was quite quick because the road •I always like to leave my desk ■not busy or filled by any planned activity 不忙的,空闲的;没有安排的•The only time I have clear next week is Tuesday afternoon.下星期我只有周二下午有空。 •We've got two clear (= whole) weeks in which to finish the decorating.我们有整整两周时间来完成装修。 UK [klɪər] US [klɪr] adjective NOT GUILTY 无罪的 ■without being or feeling guilty 无罪的,清白的 •to have a clear conscience UK [klɪər] US [klɪr] adjective NOT CONFUSED 不糊涂的 ■free from confusion; able to think quickly and well 头脑清醒的;思维清晰的;思维敏捷的 •Marie is good at making decisions because she's a very clear thinker UK [klɪər] US [klɪr] adjective NOT TROUBLED 无麻烦的 [after verb] ■not troubled; without difficulties 没有麻烦的;无困难的 •This is the first time in his life that he's been clear of UK [klɪər] US [klɪr] adjective LEFT 剩下的 ■describes a sum of money that is left after all necessary payments have been made (支付各种费用后)净的,纯的 •The school summer fair made a clear profit •Bill earns a clear $200 a week/earns $200 a week clear.比尔每星期净赚200美元。 UK [klɪər] US [klɪr] adjective NOT TOUCHING 不接触的 ■not touching something, or away from something 不接触的;分离的 •Only one competitor made a clear jump of the highest fence (= jumped over it without touching it).只有一位骑手俐落地跨过了最高的障碍物。 •When we're clear of UK [klɪər] US [klɪr] adjective (as) clear as a bell ■very easy to hear (声音)像钟声一样清晰洪亮 •Clear as a bell, from the back of the theatre came a child's voice saying, "I want to go home".从戏院的后面传来一个小孩清脆响亮的声音:“我要回家。” UK [klɪər] US [klɪr] adjective (as) clear as day ■very easy to understand 显而易见;容易理解 •The instructions were as clear as day.使用说明上写得清清楚楚。 ■certain 肯定的•It's as clear as day that the government is going to win the election.政府肯定会赢得选举。 UK [klɪər] US [klɪr] adjective (as) clear as mud humorous ■very difficult to understand 极难理解,难懂 •His instructions were as clear as mud.他的指示让人稀里糊涂。 UK [klɪər] US [klɪr] verb REMOVE BLOCK 移走 IMPROVER intransitive or transitive ■to remove or get rid of whatever is blocking or filling something, or to stop being blocked or full 移走;清除;清理;清扫;疏通 •It took several hours to clear the road after the accident.意外发生后,用了好几个小时来清理道路。 •I'll make the coffee if you'll clear the table •If you use this nasal spray, your nose should clear a bit.用了这种鼻腔喷剂,你的鼻塞就会好一点。 •After my aunt died, we arranged for her house to be cleared (= for the furniture to be removed from it).我姑妈过世后,我们安排清理了她的房间。 •If you press this key, the computer screen will clear (= the text and pictures will be removed from it).按这个键可以清除电脑萤幕上的文档和图片。 •Shops are currently holding sales to clear their summer stock (= get rid of goods by selling them cheaply).现在商店都在搞特价促销来清理夏季库存。 •Paul helped his elderly neighbour by clearing her path of •Could you clear your things off/from •I never leave work until I've cleared my in-tray (= have finished the work that needs to be done).我总是完成手头的工作才下班。 clear your throat ■to give a small cough 清喉咙 •She cleared her throat nervously before she began to speak.她讲话前紧张地清了清喉咙。 UK [klɪər] US [klɪr] verb PROVE INNOCENCE 证明…无罪 ADVANCED transitive ■to prove that someone is not guilty of something that they were accused of 证明…无罪;洗脱…的嫌疑 •After many years in prison, the men were finally cleared of UK [klɪər] US [klɪr] verb GIVE PERMISSION 许可 transitive ■to give official permission for something 批准,许可 •Despite local opposition, the plans for the new supermarket have been cleared by the council.议会不顾当地居民的反对,批准了建新超市的计划。 •Ladies and gentlemen, air-traffic control has now cleared the plane for •I don't know if I can get the car tonight - I'll have to clear it with transitive ■to satisfy the official conditions of something 符合…条件 •Before you can enter the country, you have to clear customs UK [klɪər] US [klɪr] verb MAKE PURE 变得清楚 intransitive or transitive ■to become or make something pure or easy to see through (使)变清楚,(使)变清晰 •The children enjoyed stirring the mud at the bottom of the pond, then watching the water slowly clear again.孩子喜欢搅动池底的淤泥,然后看着水重新慢慢变清。 •Your skin would clear (= become free of spots) if you had a healthier diet.饮食更健康的话,你的皮肤就会变光洁的。 •After the thunderstorm, the sky cleared (= stopped being cloudy).雷雨过后,天放晴了。 •The fog is expected to have cleared (away) UK [klɪər] US [klɪr] verb NOT CONFUSED 不糊涂的 transitive ■to make your mind free from confusion so that you can think quickly and well 使…头脑清醒;使…思维清晰 •I need to get some fresh air to clear my head UK [klɪər] US [klɪr] verb GET RID OF 使摆脱 clear your debts/clear yourself of debts ■to pay back all the money that you owe 偿清债务 UK [klɪər] US [klɪr] verb HAVE LEFT 净下 transitiveclear 1 |
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