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单词 gear
释义 gear
UK [gɪər] US [gɪr] noun
ENGINE PART 引擎部件,引擎零件
 ADVANCED  countable or uncountable
■a device, often consisting of connecting sets of wheels with teeth (= points) around the edge, that controls how much power from an engine goes to the moving parts of a machine 档,排档;传动装置
Does your car have four or five gears?你的车是四档的还是五档的?
I couldn't find reverse gear.我找不着倒档了。
The car should be in gear (= with its gears in position, allowing the vehicle to move).车档应该挂着。
When you start a car you need to be in first/ US also low gear.汽车启动时应该使用一档。
figurative After a slow start, the leadership campaign suddenly shifted into top gear (= started to advance very quickly).争夺领导权的竞选活动启动缓慢,但是后来却突然开足了马力密锣紧鼓地进行起来。
change gear UK (US also shift gear)
■to change the position of the gears to make a vehicle go faster or more slowly 换档
UK [gɪər] US [gɪr] noun
 ADVANCED  uncountable
■the equipment, clothes etc. that you use to do a particular activity (从事某活动的)装备,用具,衣服
fishing/camping gear钓鱼/露营用具
Police in riot gear (= protective clothing) arrived to control the protesters.身着防暴衣的员警赶来制服抗议者。
⇒ See also headgear
uncountable informal
■clothes 衣着;服装
She wears all the latest gear.她穿的衣服都是最新潮的。
UK [gɪər] US [gɪr] noun
step/move up a gear informal
■to start to do something better, especially in sport, in a way that is easy to see (尤指体育运动中)大有转机,开始有很大起色
After a disappointing first half, United moved up a gear and took control of the game.上半场联队表现令人失望,但此后却表现出色,掌控了比赛的主动权。
UK [gɪər] US [gɪr] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   gear sth to/towards sb/sth
■to design or organize something so that it is suitable for a particular purpose, situation or group of people 使适合于…;使与…相适应
Most public places are simply not geared to the needs of people with disabilities.大多数公共场所根本不能适应残疾人士的需要。
The workshops are geared towards helping people to become more employable.研习班旨在帮助学员提高就业能力。
These advertisements are geared towards a younger audience.这些广告的对像是年轻的观众。
UK [gɪər] US [gɪr] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   [M] gear (sb/sth) up
■to prepare for something that you have to do, or to prepare someone else for something 准备;使(…)准备好
Politicians are already gearing up for the election.政治家们已经为大选做起了准备。
[R + to infinitive] I'm gearing my self up to ask him to give me my money back.我准备要开口向他要回我的钱。
[R] I'm trying to gear my self up for tomorrow's exam.我正在努力为明天的考试做准备。




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