development [dɪ'vel.əp.mənt] noun GROWTH 成长 ESSENTIAL uncountable ■when someone or something grows or changes and becomes more advanced 成长,发育;发展•healthy growth and development健康的成长发育 •The programme traced the development of popular music through the ages.这个节目回顾了各个年代流行音乐的发展历程。 •The region suffers from under-/over-development (= having too little/much industry).该地区苦于发展不足/过度。 •a development project (= one to help improve industry) in Pakistan旨在促进巴基斯坦工业发展的开发项目 [dɪ'vel.əp.mənt] noun THING THAT HAPPENS 进展 IMPROVER countable ■a recent event which is the latest in a series of related events 动态,进展•an important development in the fuel crisis燃料危机中的一个重要进展 •Phone me if there are any new developments.如果有甚么新动态就给我打电话。 [dɪ'vel.əp.mənt] noun START 开始 ESSENTIAL uncountable ■the process of developing something new 开发,研制•Mr Berkowitz is in charge of product development.伯克维茨先生负责产品开发。 [dɪ'vel.əp.mənt] noun BUILDINGS 建筑物 countable ■an area on which new buildings are built in order to make a profit 开发的房地产•a housing development新建住宅区 |