loosely ['lu:.sli] adverb NOT FIXED 未固定的 ■in a way that is not firmly fixed 松散地;宽松地•The parcel had only been loosely wrapped, and the paper had come off.包裹没有包扎好,上面的包装纸已经脱落了。 ['lu:.sli] adverb NOT EXACT 大概 ■not exactly 大致地,大概•This phrase can be loosely translated as 'Go away'.这个片语可以大概翻译为“走开”。 •The film is loosely based on the novel by Kundera.这出电影是根据昆德拉的小说的大致内容改编而成的。 ['lu:.sli] adverb NOT TIGHT 不紧地 ■not tightly 不紧地•The jacket hung loosely on his thin body.那件上衣穿在他那瘦小的身躯上显得有些松松垮垮。 |