释义 |
cowboy ['kaʊ.bɔɪ] noun countable FARM WORKER 农场工人 (also cowhand) ■a person, especially in the western US, whose job is to take care of cattle , and who usually rides a horse, or a similar character in a film (尤指美国西部的)牛仔,牧人•The ranch employed ten or twelve cowboys.牧场雇了十一二个牛仔。 •He was wearing cowboy boots and a cowboy hat.他脚蹬牛仔靴,头戴牛仔帽。 •I don't much like cowboy films/movies.我不大喜欢看牛仔片。 ['kaʊ.bɔɪ] noun countable DISHONEST PERSON 不诚实的人 UK informal ■someone who is not honest, careful or skilful in their trade or business, or someone who ignores rules that most people obey and is therefore not considered to be responsible 弄虚作假的商人;粗心大意的人;不负责任的人,莽撞鬼•Those builders are a bunch of cowboys - they made a terrible job of our extension.那些建筑商是一帮不负责任的奸商——他们把我们的扩建工程弄得一团糟。 |